- It is five o'clock. it's four fourty five. it's four thirty. 現在是幾點?十五分鐘前是幾點?三十分鐘前是幾點?
- It must be about four thirty. 現在想必是四點半左右。
- Herzig P M,Hnnington M D,Scott S D,et al.Gold-rich sea-floor gossans in the troodos ophiolite and on the Mid-Altantic Ridge[J].Economic Geology,1991,36:1747. 李文達;王文斌;孫南圭;等.;長江中下游硫化物礦床氧化帶及鐵帽評價研究[M]
- Four's a bit late. I've got a part time job that starts at four thirty. 四點有些遲,,我找了一個兼職工作在四點半。
- P M Van Westing,GM Ferrari,J H W Dewit.Corrosion Science[J].1993,34(9):1511. 羅振華;蔡鍵平;張曉雲;等.;耐候性有機塗層加速老化試驗研究進展[J]
- Y c r a. W a p m a w h a s p m. 搬運工:您可以放心。我們是專業的搬運公司而且我們有特殊的保護措施。
- Three years on, at least one country from each of Professor Sapir』s four groups is in serious trouble. 今後的三年中,每個類型中至少有一個國家會遇到嚴重困難。
- JOHN P M,DUNLAP I L.Load sensing hydraulic control system for variable displacement pum:US,6 216 456 B1[P].2001-04-17. 紀雲鋒.;液壓挖掘機動力系統的節能控制研究[D]
- The third focuses on the maturity of the moral theme in Hawthorne"s four novels. 第三章著重討論霍桑的四部長篇中的道德主題的成熟過程。
- Tea is served at four thirty. 四點半供應茶點。
- Kirk P M,Cannon P F,David J C,et al.Ainsworth &Bisby's Dictionary of Fungal[M].9th ed.Wallingford:CAB International,2001:1-655. 程南升;潘學仁.;美味側耳五種酶的同工酶譜在不同菌體組織中的變化[J]
- It's four thirty p.m. 現在是下午四點半。
- Wilson K H,Waldir P M,Jose G F R,et al.Multifunctional Entry Method and Device for Downward Flow Tube Reactor[P].US Pat.:20030194 360A1,2003-10-16. 楊艷輝;鄧任生;魏飛;等.;氣固併流下行床反應器出入口結構研究現狀與展望[J]
- A layer of opaque white backs the label』s four color process image, and the label was finished with a full overprinted scuff-resistant varnish. 層不透明的白色背部標籤的四色進程形象,標籤是完成全面套印磨損耐清漆。
- The painting, part of a series illustrating F.D.R.』s 「Four Freedoms,」 shows an ordinary citizen expressing an unpopular opinion. 該畫為圖解羅斯福「四大自由」系列作品之一,表現的是一位普通公民在表達並不為大眾支持的意見。
- Goggin P M,Morrero J M,Spychol R T,et al.Surface hydrophobicity of gastric mucosa in helicobacter pylori infection[J].Gastroenterology,1992,103(5):1468. 錢偉;候曉華;謝小平;等.;消化性潰瘍與黏膜中糖蛋白含量的關係[J]
- On the other hand, multifactor model includes Fama-French』s three-factor or five-factor model and Carhart』s four factors model. 基金業績衡量結果在實踐中有著廣泛的用途。
- I haven't decided what to do; I'm mulling it over. 我還沒有決定怎麼辦,我正在仔細考慮。
- But in Chopin』s Four Mazurkas (Op. 33), which followed, his performances, for all their splendors, were restless and jerky. (但是在隨後的肖邦馬祖卡里。他的表現總的來說算壯觀,卻是急躁和蠢笨的。)