- I would like to change several things about my new job but it's too early yet to make waves. 我想就我的新工作作些改動,不過現在還早,不會產生糾紛。
- I would like to change several things about my new job,but it's too early yet to make waves. 我想就我的新工作作些改動,不過現在還早,不會產生糾紛。
- This fresco is typical of the painter\'s early manner. 這幅壁畫法是這個畫家典型的早期風格。
- Is There Really a Noun Bias in Children"s Early Lexical Development? 論文標題兒童早期辭彙發展過程中確有名詞傾向嗎?
- What shall avail you rank and riches, Orphaned while yet in swaddling bands you lay? Soon you must mourn your bright sun; s early setting.The Xiang flows and the Chu clouds sail away. 富貴又何為,襁褓之間父母違。展眼吊斜暉,湘江水逝楚雲飛。
- I am not so sure about YM though. He would not realize his own passion about Mi Su this early yet. 哈哈,我想下周要開始進入精彩的部分了吧,兩男是不是都有感覺了呢?嘻嘻,期待啊...
- The theme of triangle relation is present throughout Natsume Soseki?s early trilogy. 夏目漱石的早期三部曲,始終貫穿著一個主題:三角關係。
- Chaplin『 s earliest films were silent, because the equipment for adding sound to films had not yet been developed. 卓別林最早期的電影是無聲電影,因為在那時還沒有研製出給電影配音的設備.
- Freud 's early concept of sexuality is still far remote from that of Eros as life instinct. 弗洛伊德早期的性慾觀與其作為生命本能的愛欲觀相去甚遠。
- Mark is my 「Man With No Name」 misfit, merged with the heroes in John Woo』s early films. 馬克是我的「無名英雄」和吳宇森的早期影片中的英雄的混合體。張震把馬克這個角色提高到一個嶄新的層次。
- To prove its feasibility and influence, this chapter makes a brief survey of feminism in McEwan』s early works. 第二章簡要梳理了女性主義文學批評理論,著重論述其發展及其對文學和社會發展的深遠意義。
- I'm not sure if our book will be a success it's early days yet. 我們這本書是否受歡迎,我沒有把握--現在言之過早。
- It's early yet. 還早呢。
- The wars and religious control that had fueled Sassanid Persia\'s early successes eventually contributed to its decline. 戰爭和宗教的控制已經為波斯薩珊王朝早期繼承者供以燃燒,最後也因此而導致它的衰落。
- Objective: To investigate the clinical and pathological features of microscopic polyangitis(MPA) and to improve the level of it s early diagnosis. 目的:探討顯微鏡下多血管炎(MPA)的臨床和病理特徵,為早期診斷提供依據。
- There is positive proof that he did it. 有確切的證據證明他做了此事。
- You can do it this way if you care to. 如果你樂意的話,可以這樣做。
- But he told CBS's Early Show that he sees a growing belligerence on the part of North Korea, and a stepped up defiance of international law. 但是他早前在CBS的早間節目中表示他看到了朝鮮持續加劇的好戰性,並且持續向國際法挑釁。
- It is a fact of life and you must face it. 這是嚴酷的現實,你必須面對它。
- It is absurd to go out in such terrible weather. 在這麽惡劣的天氣里出去太荒唐。