- Even for strike-prone France, this has been a busy week. 儘管法國是多次罷工的城市,但對他們來說本周仍然是忙碌的一周。
- It' s been a lean year for business. 這是生意清淡的一年。
- It' s been a mild winter this year. 今年冬天不冷。
- Larry 's been a cop for 25 years . 拉里當了25年警察。
- It was a busy, as it turned out, fretful journey. 旅途公務繁忙,實際上也頗為焦急。
- You think my life』s been a joyride? 你以為我活得很爽嗎?
- Year 2001 promises to be a busy one for Britney. 2O01年對布里特尼定會是忙碌的一年。
- I must turn in. Tomorrow will be a busy day. 我得去睡覺了。明天是很忙的一天。
- The first day would be a busy one. 第一天會是很忙碌的。
- It' s been a long haul but at last this dictionary is published. 經過千辛萬苦這部詞典才終於得以問世.
- It』s been a year since his brother Donal vanished into thin air. 我滿心歡喜(因為不用去嘛嘛檔點心店快餐廳)還刻意妝扮一番以示隆重。
- Ve been doing construction work, and it's been a busy season. 我在從事建築工作,現在正是旺季。
- The Pennington』s are a well-heeled family. 彭寧頓一家是富裕之家。
- In ten yearsthis little village will grow to be a busy town. 再過十年這個小村落將會發展成為一個熱鬧的市鎮。
- Do you know that you are a busy body? 你知道嗎?你是個雞婆。
- Before the KET test, I was a busy student. 在考KET前,我非常忙。
- He' s been a thorn in my side ever since he joined this department. 他自從到了這個部門就總讓我不得安生.
- In practice there needs to be a business case. 實際上,我們則需要充分的商業理據支持。
- There' s been a slight hiccup in our mailing system. 我們的郵政系統臨時出了一點小問題.
- They came back with the 8th album (Decennium) long after July, 2007 (It』s been a year and 7months). 他們回來的第八張專輯( Decennium ) 7月後不久, 2007年(這一年和七個月) 。