- It's another bloch ahead. 再前面一個。
- Comparably, Nokia』s another ad speaks better of brands』 vision. 可是總感覺的這更像是一個電信網路公司的廣告。
- Of course, if you are some one who is too lazy to move your butts, that』s another thing. 我很高興能拿到學位證,這是我目前四分之一人生之中,重要得幾乎唯一的保證。我儼然已經是一碩士了。
- And the product with this simple idea continues at this point up to now, hold its most original part, become KIEHL ' S another classical legend. 而這個概念簡單的產品就此延續至今,並保持其最原始的成分,成為KIEHL』S另一項經典傳奇。
- In other words, there』s another way of looking at INET』s high-temperature reactor and its potential offspring : They』re hydrogen machines. 換句話說,從另一個角度看,核能與新能源技術研究院的高溫反應堆及其潛在產物同時也是氫氣設備。
- It's three blocks straight ahead. 一直往前走過三個街區就是。
- Danilov Here the men『s only choices between German bullets and ours, but there『s another way;a way of courage, a way of love of the Motherland. 丹尼洛夫這裡的人只有兩種選擇要麼是被德國人的子彈要麼是被我們自己人打死,也還有另一條路,一條勇氣之路,一條熱愛祖國的道路。
- Danilov: Here the men\'s only choices between German bullets and ours, but there\'s another way;a way of courage, a way of love of the Motherland. 丹尼洛夫:這裡的人只有兩種選擇,要麼是被德國人的子彈要麼是被我們自己人打死,也還有另一條路,一條勇氣之路,一條熱愛祖國的道路。
- Voting is important, but there』s another decision you will make that has much greater consequences than electing even the President. 選舉的結果影響很大,但有一項決定比任何選舉,甚至比選舉總統還重要。
- If he does something wrong and says, "That wouldn『t have happened if you hadn『t (fill in the blank)," that『s another sign of an abuser. 白女巫為什麼也是人類的樣子,她從何而來?這些都將在續集中一一解答。所以,我期待著續集的放映。
- It is ten times louder than another. 它比另外一個的聲音大十倍。
- Have another drink. It'll put hairs on your chest. 再來一杯,它會使你有男子漢氣魄。
- It is possible to transmute one form of energy into another. 把某種形態的能量改變成另一形態的能量是可能的。
- I shot down a flying bird by laying off ahead of it. 我超前瞄準,打下了一隻正在飛的鳥。
- There is positive proof that he did it. 有確切的證據證明他做了此事。
- You can do it this way if you care to. 如果你樂意的話,可以這樣做。
- It is a fact of life and you must face it. 這是嚴酷的現實,你必須面對它。
- It is absurd to go out in such terrible weather. 在這麽惡劣的天氣里出去太荒唐。
- They stay pretty much wrinkle-free throughout the day and into the night so I won』t look like a crumpled ball of paper at the end of a gruesomely long day at the firm, so that』s another plus. 於是我又一次十分地詫異,看來這法國人民的思想就是開放,小南一直跟在身邊,明顯小孩都打醬油了,還什麼時候辦喜事呢。哦,不是,算是結婚紀念吧。
- It is hard to sleep without a cooler in this room. 沒有空氣調節器,在這間屋裡很難入睡。