- Annual farmer cooperative survey conducted, with an annual report produced. 開展農場主合作社年度調查並編寫年度報告。
- This enables OCIA to submit an annual report on JAS sales, as required by MAFF. 根據MAFF要求,OCIA總部每年必須向MAFF彙報JAS會員銷售的年度報告。
- Abstract: The U.S.Texas Transportation Institute (TTI) issues each year an annual report on urban mobil-ity of major urban areas in the United States. 摘要: 美國德克薩斯交通研究所每年發表一份對美國主要城市機動性評估的研究報告。
- China Thursday denounced US criticism of its human rights record in an annual report, saying Washington should first put its own house in order. 周四;中國指責美國年度報告中對我國人權的評論;聲稱美國應該首先處理好國內華盛頓的事情.
- Inefficiency, mismanagement and three-hour coffee breaks are ruining the Louver experience for millions of visitors, according to an annual report by France's government auditors. 根據法國官方審計員的年度報告,效率低下、管理不善和長達3小時的工間休息正在破壞數百萬遊客遊覽盧浮宮的美好體驗。
- THERE were 109 commercial-jet 「hull losses」 in 2008, up from 100 in the previous year, according to an annual report by IATA, an airline-industry body. 據一份來自航空工業機構IATA(國際航空運輸協會)的年度報告顯示,2008年的商業噴氣式客機「墜機」事故由前一年的100起增至109起。
- It' s an important guide to the study of science. 它是學科學的重要指導。
- If it』s an action scene we use something tenser. 如果它的行動現場,我們使用的東西上緊發條。
- It's an annual report. 這是年度報告。
- It』s an innovation point to combine ABC and VBM. 將作業成本法和價值理論結合起來討論是本文的創新點。
- The firm has an annual turnover of 75 million. 這家公司的年營業額為7500萬英鎊。
- The overview is to be assisted by an annual report by the Director-General setting out major activities of the WTO and highlighting significant policy issues affecting the trading system. 綜述將以總幹事的年度報告為輔助,該報告列出WTO的主要活動,並指出影響貿易體制的重大政策問題。
- It』s an alleyway next to Sunset Street. (這裡是日落大街附近的小巷。)
- An annual holiday is a big expense. 一年一度的假日是一筆大開銷。
- Online gossip has it that it』s an airbrushed hip. 網路上盛傳她的臀部是經過「修飾」的。
- Rising unemployment and a widening income gap are the two issues of most concern to Chinese people, an annual report released yesterday by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) said. 中國社科院昨天發布的一項年度報告顯示:不斷上漲的失業率和收入差距的擴大是現在大部分中國人關心的兩個問題。
- After the state's attorney general summarizes the disclosures in an annual report covering the previous fiscal year, the data will be "publicly available and searchable through an Internet website. 州檢察長會在前一財政年度的年度報告里對所公開的信息進行總結,之後資料通過一個網際網路站向公眾開放檢索。
- Whether your project is a term paper or a newsletter, a catalog or an annual report, Merriam-Webster's Guide to Punctuation and Style will help you produce it with flair and finesse. 以通俗易懂、引人入勝的表述方式介紹了有關生長發育和醫學問題的最新研究成果,並且針對這一特殊階段要經歷的心理和生理變化,提出了很多實用性的建議。
- The company offered him an annual salary of $94K. 那家公司出價九萬四千美元年薪雇他。