- It is an absolute fact that a cadre of German generals have tried to kill Hitler. 德國將領中一個幹部設法想殺死希特勒,這是千真萬確的事情。
- Abstract:OBJECTIVE,a four-parameters sinewave curve-fitmethod is introduced,it based on the three-parameter sine wave curve-fit method, and it s an absolute convergent courses. 摘要:目的:介紹一種用三參數正弦波擬合演算法實現的、絕對收斂的四參數最小二乘正弦波擬合演算法,給出了其收斂區間、絕對收斂判據以及實現過程。
- At that price it's an absolute gift! 那個價錢,純粹是白給。
- Although ECOTECH has nominally equal position to TILF in APEC, it is an absolute fact that the development of ECOTECH is much slower than that of TILF. 雖然兩者在名義上擁有相同的地位,但是經濟技術合作的發展遠落後於貿易投資自由化卻是一個不爭的事實。
- It is an absolute fact. 這是一個無疑的事實。
- He' s an absolute donkey. 他是個十足的蠢驢.
- It's an absolute fact. 這是千真萬確的事實。
- He' s an absolute peasant. 他是個大老粗.
- He' s an absolute moron ! 他純粹是個傻子!
- He' s an absolute scream. 他非常滑稽.
- That hill's an absolute doddle (to climb). (爬)上那座山崗毫不費力。
- It' s an important guide to the study of science. 它是學科學的重要指導。
- If it』s an action scene we use something tenser. 如果它的行動現場,我們使用的東西上緊發條。
- Her new dress is an absolute dream. 她的新連衣裙漂亮極了。
- My secretary is an absolute gem. 我的秘書真是個難能可貴的人。
- It』s an innovation point to combine ABC and VBM. 將作業成本法和價值理論結合起來討論是本文的創新點。
- It』s an alleyway next to Sunset Street. (這裡是日落大街附近的小巷。)
- An absolute ruler can do just as he pleases. 一個專制的統治者可以為所欲為。
- Online gossip has it that it』s an airbrushed hip. 網路上盛傳她的臀部是經過「修飾」的。
- It is an absolute necessity for the beginners. 這對初學者是絕對必要的。