- It's a rotten shame. 那真糟糕 [可惜] 。
- It' s a shame I haven' t heard from you for years. 真遺憾,我多年沒有收到你的信了。
- It?s a shame the ?World Wrestling Entertainment? 它?美國的羞愧?世界摔跤娛樂?
- He s a rotten apple. 他是一個討厭的傢伙。
- It' s a shame to go on sponging on your parents like this. 你這樣繼續依賴父母生活是可恥的。
- It』s a shame to take money from those who can』t affort it. 拿窮人的錢是十分可恥的。
- That was a rotten thing to do, you skunk! 那種事做得太缺德了,你這卑鄙的傢伙!
- He is a rotten performer on television. 他在電視上的表演糟糕極了。
- This is a rotten game we play, isn't it? 我們演的這場戲壞透了,不是嗎?
- "Well, that 's a rotten thing to do. " 嗯,不該這麼做的。
- It"s a prime hunk of real estate. 這是真實時期主要的一大塊。
- The Commandant has had a rotten day. 司令官這一天過得真倒楣。
- So how do we know it』s a doorbell? 那麼我們怎麼會認為它是門鈴呢?
- What a rotten thing to do to her! 這樣對她真是太糟糕了!
- His friends have all learned he is a rotten egg. 他所有的朋友都知道他是一個壞傢伙。
- It' s a long way by road the train is more direct. 走公路很遠--乘火車近.
- How could one live in such a rotten society? 一個人怎麼能生活在一個這麼腐朽的社會裡呢?
- It' s a mercy she wasn' t hurt in the accident. 她在事故中未受傷; 真幸運.
- It' s a nice day let' s go for a picnic. 天氣真好--咱們去野餐遊玩吧.
- Well, that is a rotten thing to do. 嗯,不該這麼做的。