- We are still in the information gathering period, he said. 他說:「我們目前仍然處在收集資料期間。」
- An informal gathering of friends; a relaxed, informal manner. 朋友們的非正式聚會; 一种放松的、隨便的方式
- Information gathering on the specific type of dementia is vital for caregivers. 對於護理人員而言,對於特定的類型的痴呆症信息的搜集是非常重要的。
- It is only an informal gathering. 這只是個非正式的集會。
- Many military services rely on computers for information gathering, targeting, force deployment, etc. 很多軍事部門依靠電腦進行情報搜集、目標瞄準及軍隊部署等。
- It is not practical for having such a universal information gathering tool bundled with the product release. 要有一個如此廣泛的信息收集工具與產品版本綁定,那是不切合實際的。
- An informal gathering or session for the exchange of news, opinions, and gossip. 非正式的聚會,雜談會為交換消息、意見或內幕新聞而進行的非正式聚會或會議
- SQLdiag is intended to expedite and simplify diagnostic information gathering for Microsoft Customer Support Services. SQLdiag旨在加快和簡化為Microsoft客戶支持服務部門收集診斷信息的過程。
- Is intended to expedite and simplify diagnostic information gathering for Microsoft Customer Support Services. 用於加快和簡化為Microsoft客戶支持服務部門收集診斷信息的過程。
- The MD Walkman Recorder is great for information gathering, meetings and foreign language study. 一款MD錄音機用來記錄各種信息;會議和外語的學習.
- It is quite an informal gathering; you needn't dress upfor it. 這只是一個非正式聚會,你不需要刻意打扮。
- It's quite an informal gathering; you needn't dress up for it. 這是一次非正式的聚會,你穿日常的服裝就行了。
- An informal gathering of friends;a relaxed,informal manner. 朋友們的非正式聚會;一种放松的、隨便的方式
- There are three parts of market orientations: information gathering, sharing and reacting. 市場導向由信息收集、分享與反應行為三部分構成。
- The new satellite will double the country's capacity for information gathering from space. 新的衛星將使該國從太空中獲取信息的能力擴充一倍。
- Delving into bloggers' level of acceptance to the information gathering and sharing tools on their blogs. 四、探討部落客對於部落格之資訊蒐集與分享工具之使用情況。
- Reassemble to layout the information gathered and results. 重新組織得到的各種信息及結果。
- The following discloses our information gathering and dissemination practices for this website. 以下披露的信息收集和傳播實踐這個網站.
- So, the headhunting website, a good tool for information gathering becomes an integral part of the headhunting company. 論文組織如下:首先闡述了該系統的開發背景、意義;其次介紹了相關的開發工具及技術基礎;
- Structure information gathering processes that are difficult to manage or require excessive manual review and validation. 對難於管理或要求過多手動查看和驗證的信息收集流程進行有序組織。