- Assesses adjustment vs. emotional instability.Identifies individuals prone to psychological distress, unrealistic ideas, excessive cravings or urges, and maladaptive coping responses. (衡鑒適應性和情緒不穩定性,找出容易心理抑鬱、有非現實的想法、過度的渴求或衝動,以及不當因應反應者。
- Let's try to rig up some sort of shelter. 讓我們趕快搭個遮風擋雨的棚吧。
- In the storm I took shelter under the tree. 暴風雨時,我正在樹下躲避。
- They stepped over his prone body. 他們從他俯卧的身體上踩過去。
- The tree yielded us shelter from the rain. 這棵樹為我們提供了避雨的場所。
- People were scrambling madly for shelter. 人們瘋了似的搶著往隱蔽處跑。
- Characterized by or prone to meditation. 沉思冥想的以沉思冥想為特點的,愛沉思思冥想的
- The shelter was proof against the bitter weather. 這個棚子可以避寒。
- Some young heathen has vandalized the bus shelter. 有幾個壞小子故意損壞了公共汽車候車亭。
- All sorts of people found shelter under his roof. 各式各樣的人在他的家找到棲息之所。
- The umbrella is a poor shelter from heavy rain. 雨傘不太遮擋得住大雨。
- The rain sent everyone scurrying for shelter. 這陣雨把大家澆得紛紛找地方躲避。
- People are more prone to make mistakes when they are tired. 人們疲勞時更容易出差錯。
- Provide food and shelter for a family. 為家庭提供食物和住宿
- She has her own individual way of walking. 她有自己獨特的走路姿勢。
- They built a primitive shelter out of tree trunks. 他們用一些樹榦建造了一個簡陋的棚子。
- The model has an individual way of dressing. 這個模特兒有著獨特的穿衣方式。
- School rules allow the individual little latitude. 校規不容許個人恣意任行。
- Stretched out or lying at full length along the ground; prone. 平伸的整個長度伸展或平放在地面上的; 與地面齊平的
- A place of shelter or concealment. 隱藏之處或藏身之處