- His family are living in an Indian reservation. 他全家都住在一個印第安居留地里。
- These Indian guest are familiar with this book. 這些印度客人對這本書很熟悉。
- She has a penchant for Indian food. 她愛吃印度食物。
- She was got up (ie dressed) as an Indian princess. 把她打扮成了印度公主。
- The Spaniards subdued the Indian tribes in Mexico. 西班牙人征服了墨西哥的印第安部落。
- The Indian of the west is a rover of the plain. 西部的印第安人在大平原上過著游牧生活。
- There are a lot of Indian reservations in Arizona. 亞利桑那州有許多印第安保留區。
- Any of several other fragrant plant resins, such as Canada balsam. 芳香脂植物其他幾種芳香植物脂中的一種,如加拿大香脂
- The colonists bartered calico for Indian land. 殖民者以印花布交換印地安人的土地。
- Magellan is trying to find a passage to the Indian ocean. 麥哲倫試圖找到一條通向印度洋的通道。
- The Indian warrior passed a sword through his opponent. 那個印度勇士用劍刺穿了對手的身體。
- The firs perspire a fine balsam of turpentine. 冷杉分泌出一種質地優良的松樹膠。
- Indian hemp used as a narcotic; cannabis. 大麻印度大麻,用作麻醉劑; 大麻
- That Indian man is a member of the neighbouring tribe. 那個印第安人是臨近部落的成員。
- Grandma's most favorite flower is balsam. 祖母最喜歡的花是指甲花。
- Of, relating to, or resembling balsam. 香脂的香脂的,與香脂相關的或類似於香脂的
- He studies in particular the fishes of the Indian Ocean. 他專門研究印度洋的魚類。
- Framers occasionally ploughed out old Indian relics. 農民偶爾能犁出古老的印弟安人的遺物。
- How about fried balsam pear with pepper? 那就再來一個辣椒炒苦瓜,怎麼樣?
- The indian peel the bark from tree to make canoe. 印第安人從樹上剝下樹皮做皮舟。