- Imoto Minoru 井本稔(1908-),日本人,工科教授。
- Bulgaria declared her independence in 1908. 保加利亞於1908年宣布獨立。
- In 1908,Charlie was nineteen and he fell in love. 1908年,19歲的查理墮入情網。
- He was a typical New York tough in 1908. 1908年,他還是一個典型的紐約市頑童。
- He was awarded Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1908. 1908年,他被授予諾貝爾化學獎。
- Both Henny and Shanti were born in 1908. 亨妮和山蒂都出生在1908年。
- In 1908, Einstein taught at the University of Bern. 1908年,愛因斯坦在柏林大學執教。
- I have swum every morning since 1908. 自從1980年,我就每天早上游泳。
- Room 1908 Fada Mansion Qingdao Zhongshan road. 地址:青島市市南區中山路10號發達商廈1908室。
- Rowing was officially recognized as an Olympic sport in 1908. 賽艇是1908年被正式承認為奧運會的比賽項目的。
- It was, by now, 1908, Charlie was nineteen and he fell in love. 1908年,19歲的查理墮入情網。
- Table tennis was introduced in China in 1908 from Japan. 1908年由日本傳入中國。
- It returned in 1904, 1908, and 1920, before vanishing until 1972. 它於1904、1908和1920年重現奧運會體壇,但此後又銷聲匿跡了一段時間,直到1972年才得到恢復。
- Until 1908 the Olympics were part of the world's fair! 直到1908年,奧運會一直還是世界展覽會的一個部分。
- The next year, 1908, Messina was completely destroyed. 接下來的一年,也就是1908年,墨西拿被徹底摧毀。
- In 1908, Sikorsky traveled to Germany with his father. 1908年,伊格爾隨父親到德國旅行,
- British writer known for his essays and children's books, notably The Wind in the Willows(1908). 格雷厄姆,肯尼思1859-1932英國作家,以其散文和兒童文學著名,著名的有楊柳風(1908年)
- On October 1st 1908, Ford Motor Corp. officially released its T-type Hardtop. 1908年10月1日福特汽車公司正式發售T型車。
- S. Shin-ini, K. Minoru, K. aiko and I. Tadashi, 「Immersive InterSpace System,」 NTT R&D, Vol. 47, pp. 495-500 (1998). 鄭薇芬,「改良式超音波頭控搖桿系統之研製」,碩士論文,逢甲大學自動控制工程研究所,2004年。
- He shared a 1908 Nobel Prize for discoveries and advances in immunology. 他因在免疫學方面的發現和貢獻而與人共獲1908年諾貝爾獎。