- If we had some hats amd some, 如果我們有帽子、
- This party would be more fun if we had some booze. 這個派對要是有酒就更好玩了。
- We need a wharf. We could build one if we had some stones. 咱們需要碼頭。如果咱們有石頭,咱們就可以建造一個碼頭。
- A: This party would be more fun if we had some booze. 這個派對要是有酒就更好玩了。
- I think everyone would feel better if we had some flan. 我想如果我們吃點果餡餅會感覺好點。
- You must not think that if we have some market economy we shall be taking the capitalist road. That's simply not true. 不要以為搞點市場經濟就是資本主義道路,沒有那麼回事。
- Tanya: Not only that but if we can demonstrate success here then we have some leverage on our future projects in the US and China. 坦尼婭:不僅僅如此,如果這件事成功了,我們就有了寶貴的經驗,這樣開發將來在美國和中國的工程就會順利一些。
- It felt as if we had traveled from nadir to zenith. 感覺上我們好像已從天底走到了天頂。
- We had some guests for dinner last night. 我們昨晚請了幾位客人吃飯。
- If we had every klutz jump into the orchestra pit, or prance on the opera stage, or slop paint with Picasso, we would have some great parties but no art. 如果讓我們這些外行佔據了交響樂隊的演奏席,或歌劇院的舞台,畢加索的畫板,我們可能得到一場盛大的派隊,但絕不會有藝術。
- We have some asparagus for lunch. 我們午飯有些蘆筍。
- We have to trim our cost if we want to increase our profit. 我們如果想增加利潤,就必須削減開支。
- We are liable to get turned down cold if we didn't have some story. 如果我們不編出一套話來,我們可能遭到斷然拒絕。
- I just got a call from one of the main organization of memoriing Bethune, they said they can have some people tp join us if we have a certain time for our event. 但看來這次非常的群眾性,大家到的時間也各各有別,不太可能大家相對集中。
- If we had known of your departure, we would have seen you off at the airport. 如果我們事先知道你要離開,我們會到機場送行。
- If we had been allowed to sit idle, we should all have fallen in she blues. 假使當初讓我們虛度光陰的話; 我們都會感到傷心的。
- We have some miniature editions of this anthology. 我們有這本文集的袖珍本。
- If we have enough money we can rebuild. 如果我們有足夠的錢,我們可以重建家園。
- We have some difficulty in deciding on the agenda. 我們在決定議事日程方面遇到上些困難。
- If we had a decent program we could get her in. 咱們只要有了合適的劇目,就可以請她來。