- inferior nasal artery 下鼻動脈
- Recently occasionally, the cases are seen due to injection of prednisolone and other medicines into inferior nasal concha or behind the globe that induce retinal artery occlusion. 數周后,視網膜水腫消退,但阻塞區的神經節細胞及神經纖維均已死亡,視網膜萎縮並有色素沉著,血管變細呈白線狀。視神經可出現萎縮。
- The dorsal nasal artery supplies the proximal portion of the nose and contributes to the subdermal plexus of the nasal tip. 鼻背動脈供給鼻近端部分並參與鼻尖真皮下血管叢形成。
- To explore the efficacy of microwave coagulating the vidian nerve,the anterior ethmoidal nerve and inferior nasal concha for allergic rhinitis under nasal endoscope. 目的 :總結鼻內窺鏡下熱凝翼管神經、篩前神經及下鼻甲治療變應性鼻炎的療效。
- Method:36 patients (40 sinuses) were treated with combined window in middle and inferior nasal meatus under sinus endoscopy.The process was cleared away completely. 方法:對36例(40側)上頜竇病變行鼻內窺鏡中、下鼻道聯合開窗術,術中徹底清除病變。
- Methods To puncture from inferior nasal meatus and canine fossa with a nasal endoscopic needle, then, to cut away the pathological tissue of maxillary sinus under the endoscopic observation. 方法:鼻竇鏡穿刺套管針分別從下鼻道、尖牙窩穿刺,在鼻內窺鏡直視下切除上頜竇病變;對上頜竇病變較嚴重者循柯-陸氏手術進路開放上頜竇自然竇口,以利引流。
- In general, the angular artery originates the lateral nasal artery, which passes medially along the cephalic margin of the lateral crura and gives off caudal branches toward the nostril rim. 一般而言,內眥動脈起源於外鼻動脈,沿外側腳頭側緣向內側走行,並分出尾側支供給鼻孔緣。
- However, caution is advised if the alar base has been previously excised, if the alar base incisions extend more than 2 mm above the alar groove, and the lateral nasal artery is damaged bilaterally. 但是對那些在術前已做過鼻翼基底部切除,鼻翼基底切口在鼻翼溝上方超過2毫米和雙側外鼻動脈受損的病例仍要提出警告。
- inferior nasal arteriole of retina 視網膜鼻側下小動脈
- lacrimal process of inferior nasal concha 下鼻甲淚突
- Inferior nasal concha hypertrophy 下鼻甲肥厚
- These arteries contain the nasal septal artery of the superior labial artery, the lower naso-alar marginal artery, the nasal alar artery, the lateral nasal artery of the facial artery, and the dorsal nasal artery of the ophthalmic artery. 分佈到外鼻的動脈有上唇動脈的鼻中隔動脈、面動脈的鼻翼下緣動脈、鼻翼動脈和鼻外側動脈; 還有眼動脈的鼻背動脈;
- maxillary process of inferior nasal concha 下鼻甲上頜突
- inferior nasal arteriok of retina 視網膜鼻側下小動脈
- posterior inferior nasal branches 鼻後下支
- Windowing of Inferior Nasal Meatus(WINM) 下鼻道開窗
- I consider it to be inferior to robot. 我認為它不及機器人。
- A captain is inferior to a major. 上尉的級別低於少校。
- Every person has two nasal orifices. 一個人有兩個鼻孔。
- Woman is inferior to man in strength. 女人力量不及男人。