- inspecting dental officer 主管牙醫
- Wilferd B. Vachon DDS - Dental office offering preventive and restorative dentistry. 易易工作室-各種在線工具,站長網誌,以及多個應用項目。
- Downstairs, five men waited to get in from the lobby, looking as ordinary as any group of suburban fathers waiting at a dental office. 樓下面,五個男性等著要從大廳里進來,他們看起來就像候在牙醫門外的鄉下農夫一樣普通平常。
- High demand in the industry for appropriately-trained personnel is the impetus for offering the Medical and Dental Office Administrator Diploma Program. 高需求的行業給予適當培訓的人員是推動提供醫療和牙科辦公室管理員文憑課程。
- Sanitizer uses UV light to eliminate up to 99.9% of germs and bacteria on toothbrushes for a cleaner, healthier mouth.It uses a proven technology used in hospitals and dental offices. 經過實驗UV消毒牙刷架可以除區牙刷上99.;9%25的微生物和細菌
- TPC has made it our goal to be a global market leader in dental office products by producing reliable, innovative products and solutions that meet or exceed our customers' expectations. 多年來,新圳公司所生產的產品,以其高度專業技術產品的形象,享譽國內外醫用電子儀器製造業。
- The UDR Series High Temperature Refrigerated Air Dryer provides clean, dry, compressed air for auto body repair shops, auto service centers, dental offices, and small manufacturers without more... 在尿嘧啶核苷系列高溫冷凍式乾燥機用於汽車車身修理店清潔,乾燥,壓縮空氣,汽車服務中心,牙醫診所,也沒有更多的小製造商...
- Dental prosthetics involving a bridge or bridges. 用齒橋補牙用一個或多個齒橋進行牙齒修復
- The officer is attached to a destroyer. 這軍官隸屬於某驅逐艦。
- I had undergone a major dental operation. 我經受了一次牙科大手術。
- In no case should a government officer take bribes. 政府官員決不能受賄。
- The immigration officer stamped my passport. 移民官員在我的護照上蓋了戳。
- The soldiers will rush in at the officer's command. 軍官一下命令士兵們就會衝進來。
- Armed Forces Dental Officers Association 武裝部隊牙醫軍官協會
- He's not an officer, but a common soldier. 他不是軍官而是普通士兵。
- He doubts if the officer is anybody. 他懷疑這官員是個要人。
- The experienced officer rose from the ranks. 這位經驗豐富的軍官是行伍出身。
- His father is a customs officer. 他父親是一位海關官員。
- The procedure for inspecting goods and baggage entering a country. 海關檢查在貨物和行李進入某個國家時進行檢查的程序
- The officer wears sashes on his shoulders. 這名軍官的肩上佩戴著肩帶。