- Prissy: I've only got two hands. 碧西:我只有兩隻手!
- The boss wants me to do Joe's work as well as my own. Doesn't he know I've only got one pair of hands? 老闆既要我完成自己的本份工作又要做喬的工作。他難道不知道我手頭很忙?
- I can't go to work and look after the baby at they same time-I've only got one pair of hands, you know! 我不能同時既上班又照顧孩子——我只有一雙手,這你是知道的。
- Foreigner: No. I've only got some clothes and things like that. 沒有。我只有衣服之類的東西。
- Can you change a five pound note? No, I've only got three pounds. 「你能找開這張五鎊票子嗎?」「不能,我只有三鎊。」
- Ve only got 20 dollars to see me through until pay-day! 我只剩下20美元了,要熬到發薪水那天了。
- I've only got fivers. 我只有面額五鎊的鈔票。
- This is hardly the time for buying new clothes--I've only got just enough money for food. 現在根本不是買新衣服的時候,我的錢只夠吃飯。
- That"s abit far for me to travel,considering i"ve only got a week.i"d prefer something closer to home. 有點遠,因為只有一個星期時間,我比較傾向於去比較近的地方。
- One or Two? Customer: Waiter, I've only got one piece of meat in my dish. Waiter: Just a moment, sir and I'll cut it in two. 顧客:服務員,我盤子里怎麼只有一塊肉?服務員:先生,請稍候,我去把它切成兩塊。
- It's nice, said Mark, and just as good for the eyes as it smells. I've only got this much, but I' 11 let you have it, same price as the other. 「是的,是不錯!」馬克說,「它不但聞起來不錯,而且對眼睛的療效更好,我只剩下這些了,你都拿去吧,價格嘛,就和其他牌子的一樣吧。」
- No, I've only got a nickel. 沒有,我只有一個五分的鎳幣。
- "But I've only just got here.", he bleated feebly. "可我剛剛才到這裡呢.;"他小聲抱怨道
- I only got a glimpse of the car. 我對那輛汽車只看了一眼。
- I've only got 10 to see me through until pay-day! 我只有10英鎊,要熬到發薪那天了!
- I don't know the place well, I've only been there once or twice. 我對那地方不大熟悉,只去過一兩次。
- I'm starving,I've only eaten a pork bun all day. 我餓死了,我一整天只吃了一個豬肉餡餅。
- I don't know him well; I've only met him twice. 我跟他不熟悉,只見過兩次面。
- We only got back from our holidays yesterday. 我們昨天才度假回來。
- Soup's off -- we've only got fruit juice. 湯已售完--現只供應果汁。