- Shut up! I've had enough of that! 住嘴!我受夠了。
- I' ve had enough of this nonsense. 這種胡言亂語,我已經聽夠了。
- I' ve had enough of her continual chatter. 我已厭煩了她喋喋不休的閑談.
- Look here! I've had enough of that! 嘿,我已經受夠了。
- I think I've had enough of that sandwich. 我想我已經吃夠了三明治。
- I 've had enough of you and your complaining. 我已無法容忍你及你的抱怨。
- Lay off making unkind jokes on me,can't you?I've had enough. 別再對我開那些不友好的玩笑了,行不行?我受夠了。
- That does it! I've had enough of your sarcasm. I'm leaving. 你那些挖苦人的話我已經受不了啦。我走。
- Chuck it,will you! I've had enough of your grumbling. 快停下,好不好!我已經聽夠了你的抱怨。
- Katherine's teeth snapped as she said it @I've had enough of him. 凱瑟琳說,牙齒咯咯地響。「我受夠了他。」
- Chuck it, will you! I've had enough of your grumbling. 快停下,好不好!我已經聽夠了你的抱怨。
- It has got to be stopped, I've had enough of it. 我受夠了,停止吧。
- That does it! I've had enough of your sarcasm.I'm leaving. 夠了!你那些挖苦人的話我已經受不了啦。我走!
- It has got to be stopped. I've had enough of it. 我受夠了, 停止吧。
- Mike:I just can't get it to work!OhI've had enough of this! 我怎麼修就是修不好,我真是受夠了!
- Ve had enough of this hard life. 這種艱苦的生活我已經受夠了。
- Amy: He's always clowning around. He even does it at work. I've had enough. 艾美:他老是開玩笑,甚至工作時也是這樣,我受夠了。
- Officer Obie: Alice, I've had enough garbage for one day, yours and theirs. 愛麗絲,我一整天已經受夠了你們還有他們製造的垃圾。
- It's the hottest day I've had so far. 這是迄今為止我經歷的最熱的一天。
- I shall be glad when she wheels the old man away,I've had enough of his complaints. 我很高興她把輪椅上的老人推開,我已聽夠了他的抱怨。