- Now I'm beginning to think that I've been deceived. 而現在我感覺我被欺騙了。
- I have been deceived in what he said. 我對他所說的感到失望。
- I've been deceived in her. 我對她感到失望。
- We've been deceived in that boy. 我們對那個男孩子感到失望。
- Such openness, such sincerity! No one can be deceived in him. 多麼無私,多麼純真!誰也不可能誤解他。
- Men are deceived in other men's characters. 人嘛,容易上別人名字的當。
- Some parents always fear that their daughters may be deceived in co-habitation. 一些家長們總是擔心他們的女兒們在同居中被欺騙。
- Don't worry. I've been put up to all their tricks. 別擔心,已經有人告訴了我他們所有的鬼把戲。
- My skin always peels when I've been in the sun. 我曬過太陽后總在脫皮。
- I won't be deceived by her Banana oil. 我不會被她的花言巧語所欺騙
- It feels like I've been here before. 感覺好象我以前來過這裡。
- I receive a letter from her in her neat script. 我收到她的字體很工整的來信。
- I have had him since many times in my hand, and therefore can not be deceived in the description. 我曾經多次把他托在手中,因此我的描寫是不會錯的。
- I consider that I've been completely vindicated. 我認為已經證實了我完全無辜。
- I can see her gladness in her eyes. 我可以從她的眼睛里看出她的喜悅。
- I have put the pencil box in her desk. 我已經把鉛筆盒放在她的課桌里了。
- Ai yo yo, I've been in the streets of Xining Town. 哎喲喲,西寧城街里我去過
- She looked at him with hate in her eyes. 她以憎恨的目光看著他。
- We've been deceived in that boy, we thought his behavior was improving but now it's worse than ever. 我們時那男孩太失望了,我們原以為他的行為有所改善,但現在比以前更糟。
- I saw diamond studs in her ears. 我看見她耳朵上戴著的鑽石耳釘。