- To tell you the truth, I'm almost freezing. 給你說老實話吧,我都快凍僵了。
- To tell you the truth, I'm sick of it. 跟你說實話,我不願意這樣。
- To tell you the truth, I hate to do it. 老實告訴你,我不願意做這事。
- I have an obligation to tell you the truth. 我有義務告訴您真相。
- To tell you the truth,I don't quite agree with you. 說真的,我不太同意你的意見。
- To tell you the truth, I'm a photographer. 不瞞您說,我是個攝影師。
- To tell you the truth,I don't like him. 說實話,我不喜歡他。
- To tell you the truth,I had tears in my eyes. 說實話,我當時也是淚盈盈的。
- I will tell you the truth tomorrow. 我明天將告訴你實情。
- To tell you the truth, I don't feel well. 亨利:說實話,我覺得不舒服。
- I don't flatter you, Isabel, I tell you the truth. 我不是抬舉你,伊莎貝爾,我是講事實。
- I hesitate to tell you the truth. 我不太想告訴你實情。
- I have an obligation to tell you the truth . 我有義務把真情告訴您。
- To tell you the truth, I don't like your hairstyle. 說實話,我不喜歡你的髮型。
- To tell you the truth, I had tears in my eyes. 說實話,我當時也是淚盈盈的。
- To tell you the truth,I'm not accustomed to this kind of music. 說實話,我不太習慣這種音樂。
- To tell you the truth, I'm not so interested in the matter. 跟你說實話,我對這件事情的興趣不大。
- To tell you the truth, I'm rather pessimistic about everything. 說實話,我對一切都相當悲觀。
- To tell you the truth, I'm not interested in physics. 告訴你實話,我對物理不感興趣。
- To tell you the truth, I'm very glad we are leaving this place. 實話告訴你,我很高興馬上就要離開這個地方了。