- Honey, I'm scared to death. 親愛的 我害怕得要命。
- I was scared to death(= very frightened). 我嚇得要死。
- Believe me, I was scared to death! 真的我快被嚇死了。
- Deep down inside I'm scared to death, say yes 可更深的我卻害怕你會拒絕我,說你願意好么
- Feng Yun-ching and Ho Shen-an were scared to death. 馮雲卿他們嚇得面如土色。
- His face was white and he looked scared to death. 他臉色蒼白,非常驚慌。
- My friend said he was scared to death. 我的朋友說他嚇得要死。
- Tao Zi is scared to death when entering the room. 陶子進屋的時候嚇得差點死掉。
- Sara is scared to death of snakes. 莎拉極為怕蛇。
- Was scared to death of you, unfilial daughter! 嚇到你了,女兒不孝!
- But on a personal level, I am frankly scared to death for you. 可從個人角度,我很為你擔心。
- I look at the lights to see you, scared to death of you! 再看我發紅光給你看看,嚇死你!
- Suddenly she was scared to death of clear air turbulence. 她突然之間被晴空亂流嚇死了。
- Can I not say a thing without you contradicting me I'm scared to leave your mother behind. 我能說一句話你不反駁么?我怕剩下你媽媽一個人。
- Giuseppe Conlon: Can I not say a thing without you contradicting me? I'm scared to leave your mother behind. 我能說一句話你不反駁么?我怕剩下你媽媽一個人。
- He must be scared to death;he must be thinking I'm this manipulative mean woman. 他一定害怕死亡,他一定會覺得我就是那個自私失控的女人。
- The passengers were scared to death as the taxi whizzed along. 計程車風馳電掣般地駛著,乘客嚇得要命。
- Courage is being scared to death - and saddling up anyway. 勇氣就是被嚇的半死的時候跌跌撞撞地爬上馬鞍的本事。
- Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway. 勇氣是對畏懼的抵抗力和掌控力,而不是沒有畏懼。
- I sit on the floor and I shiver when I'm scared. 當我害怕的時候我坐在地板上發抖。