- I told them I was claustrophobic, I gotta get outta here! 我要告訴他們我有幽閉恐懼症,我必須從這裡面出去!
- Lemme outta here! Giddyap! Thscratch gravel! 我要從這逃出去!駕!該死的路面!
- Bodyguard: Get that trash outta here. 把這垃圾扔出去。
- Its like one of us is getting outta here. 看上去我們中有人要離開這裡了。
- General hummel, you've gotta get us outta here now! 漢默將軍,你得立刻把我們撤出去啊!
- B: Get outta here! Your handsome son got his looks from his mother. 你真是愛說笑。你帥兒子的長相是遺傳他媽媽。
- New York the politest city in the world? Get outta here! 紐約是世界上最有禮貌的城市?別唬人了!
- Lt.Vasquez: We don't have much time to get this tank outta here. 瓦斯奎茲少尉:我們沒有太多時間把坦克從這兒撤離。
- Nero:Kyrie, go with your brother and get outta here! 和你哥哥一起離開這裡!
- I don't live here; I'm just staying a while. 我不住這,我只停留一會兒。
- Lincoln: (to Bob) Take the cuffs off. Gimme the cuff key. (unlocks his handcuffs) Get outta here, T-bag. 「哦,我真當打罵。新來的老獄警。可以至還沒到聖誕節呢(就有這麼好的禮物)。」
- Well, I'm stuck here for the duration. 哎,這段時間我只得呆在這兒了。
- That's the truth, as sure as I'm standing here. 事情的真相就是如此,就像我站在這兒一樣不容懷疑。
- I'm going to make sure if I'm going to Macao. 我要拿定主意我是否去澳門。
- I have gotta get outta here. 我得離開這兒了。
- I'm outta here. 我要出去了。
- As far as I'm concerned, the beige one is better. 就我而言,米色的那個更好。
- I'll trust you to behave responsibly while I'm out. 我相信你在我外出期間會認真辦事的。
- John is number one around here and I'm his number two. 在這一帶,約翰是個頭頭,我是他的副手。
- I can't say I'm at all pleased by your product. 我不能說對你們的產品滿意。