- I'm not disposed to argue with him. 我不想和他爭論。
- I'm not disposed to meet them at the moment. 我不打算在此刻會見他們。
- But I'm not going to argue with you tonight. 但是今晚我不打算和你爭辯。
- Well, I'm not going to argue about this in any way. 關於這個問題,這會兒我不打算爭辯下去。
- I am not disposed to help that lazy fellow . 我不願意幫助那個懶惰的人。
- I am not disposed to help that lazy fellow. 我不願意幫助那個懶惰的人。
- I'm not disposed to argue. 我無意爭論。
- Not disposed to expressions of feeling; reserved. 不動聲色的不善表達感情的;含蓄的
- Robbie: I'm not going to argue with you about this. UFOs exist, period . 羅比:我不想跟你吵這件事,幽浮的確存在,就這樣。
- Not disposed to seek the company of others; reserved. 不合群的生性不喜歡與他人為伴的; 沉默寡言的
- I'm not going to argue with you tonight. 我今晚不想與你爭辯。
- But I'm not qualified to take on the job. 但我沒有條件擔任這項工作。
- I like to swim, but I'm not a very good swimmer. 我喜歡游泳,可是我游得並不好。
- I've got flu, so I'm not quite up to the mark. 我得了流感,所以有點不舒服。
- It is not always reliable to argue by analogy. 用類推法論證並不總是可靠的。
- When he leaves school and enters the world, the boy is not disposed to consider rule absurd and authority ridiculous. 那孩子走出學校進入社會時,並不以為統治是荒誕的,權威是可笑的。
- Look, I'm not going to argue with you any more - no, you can't use the car tonight! That's my decision and I'm standing pat on it. 我可不跟你多費口舌了,你今晚絕對不能用車!這已經定了。我決不會改變主意。
- Don't try to soft-soap me; I'm not changing my mind. 別給我灌米湯了,反正我不改主意。
- I tried to make clear to him that I'm not responsible for this. 我再三跟他解釋這事與我無關。
- Reed, I was not disposed to care much for the nursemaid's transitory anger; and I WAS disposed to bask in her youthful lightness of heart. 並佔了上風之後,我並不太在乎保姆一時的火氣,倒是希望分享她那充滿活力、輕鬆愉快的心情。