- I can't eat any more; I'm full up. 我不能再吃了,我已經過飽了。
- No more for me, thanks,I'm full up. 謝謝,我不要了,我已經飽了。
- No more thank you, I'm full up. 不添了,謝謝,我已經吃飽喝足了。
- Joanna: I love this fish you cooked, Mama. Mama: Do you want some more? Joanna: I wish I could, but I'm full. I'm full up to the throat. 喬安娜:媽媽,我很喜歡你做的這道魚。媽媽:要不要再吃點?喬安娜:我倒是想吃,但是我已經飽了,飽得都到喉嚨了。
- I've a bad cold and I'm full of catarrh. 我得了重感冒,總流鼻涕。
- No more, thank you-I'm full to the scuppers. 不能再加了,謝謝!-我已經吃得滿出來了。
- I' ve a bad cold and I' m full of catarrh. 我得了重感冒; 總流鼻涕.
- I'm learning the ropes and I'm full of beans. 由於尚偉要參加特技跳傘,所以布萊恩說。
- We're practically full up until May 3rd,but I'll see. 5月3日以前我們實際上都已客滿,不過我會考慮的。
- I think it must just be because I look as if I'm full of poise. 我想那一定是因為我看上去樣子非常沉著自信吧。
- With the advent of a new semester, I'm full of ambitions. 隨著新學期的到來,我躊躇滿志。
- All right, now that I'm full in the picture, what can I do for you? 好吧, 既然我已經知道了底細, 那麼我可以做些什麼來幫助你呢?
- The boy went on eating until he was full up. 那孩子一直吃到肚子飽了為止。
- But,full up on excitement,no one noticed the time. 我們都興奮不已,根本沒人注意到時間。
- I m full so I burp,don't look at me that way,R U a fairy? 我吃飽了所以我打嗝,不要那樣看著我,你是仙女兒嗎?
- The train's full up,there are no seats left at all. 火車坐滿了乘客,空的座位一個都沒有。
- Sorry, the hotel is full up tonight. 對不起,今晚旅館客滿。
- The drawer was full up with old clothes. 抽屜里裝滿了舊衣服。
- If you cross his palm with silver the car park attendant can always find you a place, even when the sign says full up. 如果你預先付費給停車場管理員,那麼總會給你安排個位子,即使停車場已掛牌告知車已停滿。
- But, full up on excitement, no one noticed the time. 我們都興奮不已,根本沒人注意到時間。