- Getting bored with this job; I could do with a change of scene. 我對這工作越來越厭倦,真想換換環境。
- God, I have had it with this job! 天啊!這種工作我真受夠了!
- I'm not getting on very fast with this job. 我這份工作進展不太快。
- I liked Peter at the beginning, but I'm bored with him now. 開始我是喜歡彼特的,但現在我又對他厭倦了。
- Do youI'm bored with Naked y job! I want tos look for a new job. I want a change. 我對我的工作真是太厭倦了!我希望找一個新的工作。我希望變一變。
- I'm fed up with this job; I think I shall chuck it. 我對這種工作厭煩極了; 我不想幹了。
- I'm bored with this job. 我對這件工作厭煩了。
- 'I'm bored with this job.' 'That makes two of us.' 「我煩透了這份差事。」「我也是。」
- I can't envisage her coping with this job. 我無法設想她如何應付這個工作。
- I'm stuck with this job for the moment. 我眼下被工作困住了。
- I can't stick with this job any more. 我再也無法忍受這項工作了。
- I am through with this job;I must find something more interesting. 我對這項工作已經厭煩了,我得找一份更有趣的工作。
- In fact,the person who says I love you first may also be the one who says I'm bored with you first. 實際上,先說「我愛你」的人往往也是先說「我討厭你」的人。
- With this job I earn a good bit of money, why should I change it. 這個工作讓我賺了很多錢,幹嗎要換呢?
- If you help me with this job ,I will make it worth your while . 如果你幫我做這件工作,我就會酬謝你。
- If you help me with this job,I'll make it worth your while. 如果你幫我做這件工作,我就會酬謝你。
- When I'm bored with School, I think of transferring to the universityof Michigan. 當我在學校感到厭煩時,我想轉到。
- In fact, the person who says 'I love you'first may also be the one who says 'I'm bored with you'first. 實際上,先說『我愛你』的人往往也是先說『我討厭你』的人。
- If you help me with this job , I will make it worth your while . 如果你幫我做這件工作,我就會酬謝你。
- When I'm bored with my life, I take my pencils out in the back yard and doodle for an hour, trying to sketch trees that look like trees. 當我對生活感到厭倦時,我就拿出鉛筆到後院去心不在焉地亂塗一個小時,試圖畫出看上去像樹的樹木速寫。