- I think I'm an optimist about that.I think I expect someday the phone will ring and somebody will say 'Did you hear that so and so found the axion? 我想我對此是樂觀的,我期望有朝一日電話鈴響起的時候,有人會說:『某某如何如何發現了軸子,你聽說了嗎?』」
- So it's safe to say I'm an aggressive optimist. 所以可以說我是個有進取心的樂觀主義者。
- But I'm an optimist. 不過我是個樂觀主義者。
- He's such an optimist that he's sure he'll soon find a job. 他很樂觀,認為自己一定很快就能找到工作。
- George,I'm an old man,and most people hate me. 喬治,我是個老朽,人們大都恨我。
- An optimist is a girl who mistakes a bulge for a curve. 樂觀的人,等於是把(自己身體上)凸出來的部分也錯認作曲線的女孩子。
- What do you do? I'm an engineer. 你是做什麼的? 我是個工程師。
- Still, I'm an entrepreneur at heart. 從內心來說,我還是個企業家。
- I'm Lila Ross. I'm an old friend of your mother's. 我是麗娜羅斯,是你母親的一個老朋友。
- "I'm an expert with diamonds, too," Yasha boasted. 「我對金鋼鑽也是內行,」雅夏自吹自擂起來。
- Bailey had always been an optimist. 倍利向來是個樂天派。
- B: I'm an assistant professor of chemistry. 我是化學系的助理教授。
- Why is an optimist so dangerous? 為什麼認為樂觀主義者是危險的?
- George,I' m an old man,and most people hate me. 喬治,我是個老朽,人們大都恨我。
- Your ideas make you sound like an optimist! 你的那些觀念讓人聽起來覺得你是個樂觀主義者!
- I』m an equal opportunity heartbreaker. 我讓每個男人都為我心碎。
- An optimist sees an opportunity in every calamity. 樂觀者在災難中可以看到希望。
- An optimist sees the rose; a pessimist the thorn. 樂觀的人看到玫瑰,悲觀的人只看到它的刺。
- Ma is a technicist and I'm an engineer. 老馬是技術人員,我是工程師。
- An optimist stays up to see the new year in. 一個樂觀者等至深夜是為了迎接新的一年的開始。