- I'm all pooped out. 我已筋疲力竭。
- I just feel all pooped out . 我只覺得筋疲力盡。
- I just feel all pooped out. 我只覺得筋疲力盡。
- I feel all pooped out. 我覺得很疲乏。
- Don't ask me to move, I'm pooped out. 別叫我走了,我累壞了。
- All the kids were pooped out after swimming. 游泳之後孩子們都精疲力竭了。
- Do not ask me moving, I am pooped out. 別叫我走了,我累壞了。
- Don't worry over me. I'm all right. I'll get along. 不要為我發愁。我沒事,我會幹好的。
- I dropped my coffee cup. I'm all thumbs today. 我把咖啡杯掉到地上了。我今天笨手笨腳的。
- No, you keep the pack. I'm all cried out today. 不用了,你整包留下吧。今天我的淚水已經留幹了。
- At the end of the march,I pooped out. 在那場行軍的最後,我已精疲力盡了。
- Do not ask me move,I am pooped out. 別叫我走了,我累壞了。
- Do not touch me, I am pooped out. 別碰我,我累壞了。
- The paintings are beautiful. I'm all eyes at them. 這些畫美極了,我目不轉睛地看著。
- At the end of the march, I pooped out. 在那場行軍的最後,我已精疲力盡了。
- Chandler: No, you keep the pack. I'm all cried out today. 你拿著吧,我今天哭完了。
- Tell me your story, I'm all ears. 告訴我你的故事,我洗耳恭聽。
- Can you thread this needle for me? I'm all fingers and thumbs today. 你能替我穿針嗎? 今天我手腳不靈。
- I haven't had time to arrange everything, so I'm all at sixes and sevens. 我沒來得及把每件事都安排好,因此心裡七上八下的。
- The summer heat made me feel pooped out. 夏季的炎熱使我感到累壞了。