- Don't ask me, I'm all at sea now. 不要問我,我現在也茫然不知所措。
- Would you please explain it again? I'm all at sea. 你是否再解釋一下,我一點也不懂。
- I'm all at sea; I've no idea how to repair cars. 我手足無措,不知道怎樣修理汽車。
- I haven't had time to arrange everything, so I'm all at sixes and sevens. 我沒來得及把每件事都安排好,因此心裡七上八下的。
- What are you talking about? I am all at sea. 你們在說什麼?我一點也聽不懂。
- I'm all at sea with these new regulations. 我全然不懂這些新的規章。
- e.g. Don't ask me. I'm all at sea now. 表示對一件事茫然不知所措,毫無主意。
- I'm all at sea with this problem. 對這個問題我困惑不解。
- e.g. Don't ask me.I'm all at sea now. 「如在大海中」,此語用來表示對一件事茫然不知所措,毫無主意。
- I'm all at sea; I've no idea how to repaircars. 我手足無措,不知道怎樣修理汽車。
- I'm all at sea with this maths homework. 這數學作業我一點也不懂。
- I haven't had time to clear up, so I'm all at sixes and sevens. 我還沒空收拾,所以什麼都是亂七八糟的。
- I am all at sea in the adolescent stage of my life. (剛剛成長起來的我陷入了迷茫之中。
- My new hi-fi has so many lights and switches that I was all at sea when I first tried to use it. 我新買的那台高保真音響設備有許許多多指示燈和開關,以致我第一次打開它時竟不知所措。
- I haven' t had time to arrange everything, so I' m all at sixes and sevens. 我沒來得及把每件事都安排好; 因此心裡七上八下的.
- I'm all at sea when they talk about the greenhouse effect. 當他們談論溫室效應的時候,我茫然不知所云。
- I was all at sea when I went to that city alone in my teens. 當我十幾歲獨自去那座城市時,我感到茫然不知所措。(非「在大海」)
- Liu was all at sea when he began his new job. 劉開始新工作的時候,茫然不知所措。
- We are all at sea as to what to do next. 我們全然不知下一步該做什麼。
- He is all at sea as to what to do next. 他茫然若失,不知下一步如何是好。