- Later he became a government employee. 後來他成了一名公務員/政府僱員。
- She gave up her job as a government employee and started her own business. 她砸了自己的飯碗,干起了個體經商買賣。
- Black employee: I'm a protected minority. 黑人僱員:「我是受保護的少數民族。」
- A government employee says her father has run down his timber business, laying off workers, rather than pay the $600 a month demanded by La Familia. 一個政府官員說,他父親寧願關閉木材生意,辭掉工人,也不願每個月付給「米卻肯家族」要求的600美元。
- Sorry, I don't know. I'm a stranger here myself. 對不起,我不清楚。我對這裡也不熟。
- A government employee may moonlight as an Information Warrior,or a teenager may live in Cyberspace twenty hours a day, alighting on16 Earth only for Coke and pizza. 一名政府僱員可能在夜裡從事第二職業,充當一名信息鬥士;一個少年可能每天在網路空間里待20小時,可口可樂與比薩餅是他與地球的惟一聯繫。
- Without my gun, I'm a sitting duck for any terrorist. 沒有這支槍,我就成了恐怖分子下手的目標。
- I am a government employee. 我是政府機關的職員。
- That's not a diamond! If that's a diamond, I'm a Dutchman. 那不是鑽石!如果那是鑽石我就不是人。
- If a government employee knowingly covers up the criminal counterfeiting of a registered trademark or if a person charged with enforcing the law compromises the law for personal gain,his or her criminal malfeasance will be determined by law. 對於國家工作人員故意包庇假冒註冊商標犯罪或者執法人員徇私枉法,規定追究其瀆職罪。
- I'm a government employee. 我是國家公務員。
- Actually I'm a teacher, my writing is just a sideline. 我其實是個教師,寫作只是我的兼職。
- If a government employee knowingly covers up the criminal counterfeiting of a registered trademark or if a person charged with enforcing the law compromises the law for personal gain, his or her criminal malfeasance will be determined by law. 對於國家工作人員故意包庇假冒註冊商標犯罪或者執法人員徇私枉法,規定追究其瀆職罪。
- I'm afraid I'm a lot behind with my work. 我怕我的工作拖欠得太多。
- The two parties have combined to form a government. 兩黨已經聯合起來組成政府。
- She says she's only45, but if she's a day under50 then I'm a Dutchman. 她說她只有45歲,但如果她不到50歲,我就不是人。
- In no case should a government officer take bribes. 政府官員決不能受賄。
- When it comes to music, I'm a complete ignoramus. 說到音樂,我完全是個門外漢。
- In some countries tobacco is a government monopoly. 在有些國家煙草是政府的專賣品。
- And ironically - for I'm a bit of a cheenah myself. 諷刺的是,我本身也有點cheenah。