- I'll try a steak sandwich. 我想嘗嘗牛排三明治。
- Yes,I'll try a piece of cheese cake. 好的,來一塊乳酪餅嘗嘗。
- I think I'll try a Chinese one. What are they like? 我想試試中國式的酒,是什麼樣的酒?
- A steak sandwich thats served on pita bread. mikesawyer 發起了一個話題: Steak sandwich.
- Mary: Today, I'll try a foam perm. 瑪麗:今天我想試一下泡沫燙。
- Maybe I'll try a maritime )trade strategy this time. 也許我將試一海的)貿易這次的策略.
- Would you like to try a fullcourse meal or to order a steak? 您想吃全餐還是點一客牛排?
- Excuse me, sir, I ordered a steak sandwich but you gave me a ham and cheese sandwich instead. 對不起,我叫了一個牛排三明治,但你們卻給了我火腿芝士三明治。
- Yes,I'll have a mixed salad and a steak. 是的,混配色拉和牛排。
- Yes,I'll have a steak with barbecue sauce. 好的,我想要一客燒烤汁牛排。
- Maybe I'll try the sirloin steak. 也許我可以試試西冷牛排.
- I think I'll have a salad and a steak. 我想來一個沙拉和牛排。
- Yes, I'll have a steak with barbecue sauce. 好的,我想要一客燒烤汁牛排。
- I'll try a chicken salad sandwich. 我想嘗嘗雞肉色拉三明治。
- Singing is not really my forte, but I'll try. 唱歌實在不是我擅長的,但是我試著唱唱看。
- I ordered a steak at his suggestion. 我根據他的建議點了一份牛排。
- I think I'll try my luck at roulette. 我想玩玩輪盤賭碰碰運氣。
- It seems a good idea; I'll try it out. 這個主意看來不錯,我準備試一試。
- Fine.I'll try that then and I'll have a beer,too. 好,就試試看那種。我還要一瓶啤酒。
- Okay, I'll try a Pinto. 好,我租一部品拓試試看。