- It's of good quality. I think I'll take it. 這個質量好。我就買它吧。
- Next time I go to England, I'll take boat. 下次去英國,我將乘船。
- Arwen:I'm the faster rieder. I'll take him. 亞玟:我更快,我送他。
- Oh, I'm terribly sorry. I'll take it back. 哦,非常地抱歉。我把它收回去。
- I think I'll take a turn round the garden. 我想到花園去轉轉。
- Could you bundle up these clothes and I'll take them to the post? 請你把這些衣服捆紮成包裹,我拿到郵局去寄,好嗎?
- I think I'll take the easy way out and give money instead of time. 我想我找到了簡便方法,給錢而不是花時間。
- Slip off your shirt and I'll take your blood pressure. 快把襯衣脫了,我來量量你的血壓。
- P g. T H m a m t u q. T h w w I h d t l m p j. 林紅:挺好的。人事經理問了一些常規問題,然後他問我辭去前一份工作的原因。
- The sun's out, but I'll take a raincoat just the same. 儘管是晴天,但我還是要帶上雨衣。
- W, I a a b e. N a m t m. S I d t t a d o. 趙凱:是的,天天忙,沒有一分鐘是我自己的。所以我決定放鬆一天。
- Jenny: Pg, t. I g t wa f m t a. I t w t, I h i dr. 珍妮:相當好,謝謝。今天下午我要去看足球賽,只是天氣不大好,我希望不要下雨才好。
- I don't think it will work, but I'll take a chance and try it. 雖然我認為那樣不行,但是我仍想碰運氣試一下。
- I' ll take your word for it that it won' t happen again. 我相信你說的此事下不為例這句話.
- Could you bundle up these magazines and I'll take them to the post? 請你把這些雜誌包紮好,我拿到郵局去寄,好嗎?
- The trousers are rather long, but I'll take them just as they are. 這條褲子有點兒長; 但我還是要了吧。
- Jun: I'm so tired after our lunch.I think I'll take a nap. 午餐后感覺累累的,現在真想打個盹。
- But in the end if I'm with you I'll take the chance. 只知若你回來,我將緊緊擁抱,不再分離。
- I think I'll take advantage of the swimming pool while I'm here. 我想我在這兒的話,會利用一下這個游泳池。
- I expect I'll take my children for a walk. 我想我會帶我的孩子去散步。