- I'd rather stand than sit. 我寧肯站, 不願坐。
- I' d rather sit in the circle than in the stalls. 我寧可坐樓廳不坐正廳前排。
- I prefer to work rather than sit idle. 我寧願工作也不喜歡閑坐。
- I prefer to read rather than sit idle. 我寧願讀書而不願閑坐著。
- I'm terrified of flying I'd rather go by sea. 我害怕坐飛機--我寧願坐船。
- That's an episode in my life I'd rather forget! 那是我一生中寧願忘記的經歷!
- I' d rather go hungry than eat that ! 我寧可挨餓也不吃那種東西!
- I' d rather walk than take a bus. 我願意走路而不願意坐公共汽車.
- I' d rather play tennis than swim. 我寧願打網球,不願游泳。
- I' d rather stay at home than go for a walk. 我寧願留在家中,不願出去散步。
- Would rather I'd rather play football than swim. 我寧願踢足球而不去游泳。
- Xiao Wu prefers to work rather than sit idle. 小吳喜歡工作而不喜歡閑坐。
- He lay rather than sit in the armchair. 與其說他是坐在扶手椅上不如說是躺在裡面。
- I'll never be dependent on anyone again. I'd rather starve. 我再也不依靠任何人了。我寧願餓死。
- She prefers to read rather than sit idle. 她喜歡讀書而不願閑坐著。
- I'd prefer to go for a walk rather than sit here watching them play football. 我寧願去散步而不想坐在這兒看他們踢足球。
- Actually, I'd rather have carrots than potatoes with my steak. 我想在牛排里放胡羅卜而不要馬鈴薯。
- You like tennis, while I'd rather read. 你愛打網球,但我愛看書。
- B:I'd rather give up the job than work for that rascal. 我寧可丟掉工作也不願為一個流氓幹活。
- Rather than sit in a cozy room, he works out in the cold air. 他沒有在舒適的房間里安坐,而是冒著嚴寒在室外工作。