- I'm tired of working for peanuts. 我厭倦了為了微不足道的一點點錢而工作。
- Before he made a hit he was working for peanuts. 他沒有走紅之前,薪水小得像花生米一樣,意謂少得可憐。
- I won' t stand for this insolence. 我決不容忍這種傲慢無禮的行為.
- I have had to work for every single penny I earned. 我掙的每一便士都是辛苦工作得來的。
- I won't work for peanuts. 那麼點錢,我才不幹呢。
- I don』t work hard everyday for such childish frivolities. 是極樂世界太美妙,讓你流連忘返?
- My luck's in I won a new car in a raffle. 我的運氣來了--在有獎抽彩中我得了一輛新汽車。
- I want to work for the good of mankind. 我要為全人類的利益而工作。
- I am always ready to work for you. 我願意隨時為你效勞。
- I won the race with plenty of time in hand. 我是在節省了很多時間的情況下贏得這場比賽的。
- I work for a commercial radio station. 我在商業廣播電台工作。
- The same person who protests that he is working for chickenfeed may also say, 「I am working for peanuts. 叫嚷自己是為雞食而工作的人也可以這麼說,「我為花生而工作。」
- I won' t apologize unless she apologizes first. 除非她先道歉,否則我不道歉。
- The same person who protests that he is working for chickenfeed may also say, "I am working for peanuts. 同樣抗議工資不多的人也可以說:我為花生工作。
- I swear I won' t tell anyone your secret. 我發誓不把你的秘密告訴任何人。
- Although it works for the books, hammers, and spoons in your house, it doesn』t work for all the volumes stored in the Library of Congress, for example. 儘管它能很好地為你家中存放書本、鐵鎚和湯匙服務,但是它根本不適用於國家圖書館存放的所有資料。
- My number came up and I won 100. 我的數字彩票中獎了,我贏得100英鎊。
- He used to abandon his work for months at a time. 他過去每次放下工作就是幾個月。
- I won' t be his dupe any longer. 我再也不受他的騙了.
- Injecting animals is all in a day's work for a vet. 給動物注射是獸醫的日常工作。