- I suppose he is quite in spirits at your success? 我想他對你的成功感到相當高興吧?
- He' s hopelessly inefficient, but I suppose he means well. 他低能得無以復加; 然而卻是出於好心.
- He's hopelessly inefficient, but I suppose he means well. 他低能得無以復加,然而卻是出於好心。
- Where's Jim? I suppose he has hived off again. 吉姆到哪兒去了?我想他已溜掉了。
- I suppose he has arrived in Harbin by now. 我想他現在已經到達哈爾濱了。
- I suppose he was hoping for a puppy. 我猜他希望我帶了只小狗回來。
- I suppose he was about your age. 我想,他年齡大概與你相仿。
- I suppose he has bad similar attacks before this. 我想他過去也有過類似的發作。
- I suppose he will be back by eight o'clock. 我想他八點鐘以前會回來。
- I suppose he'll have started today. 我算他今天該動身了。
- I suppose he would be about fifty when he obtained a doctorate. 我推測他獲得博士學位時大概是五十歲左右。
- My son's only interest seems to be motorbikes, but I suppose he will grow out of it. 我兒子唯一的興趣似乎是摩托車,不過我想他長大後會拋棄的。
- Where's John? I suppose he's hived off again to his own room. 約翰在哪兒?我想他又偷偷溜回他自己的房間去了。
- He's hopelessly inefficient,but I suppose he means well. 他低能得無以復加,然而卻是出於好心。
- I suppose he is good,but he can't hold a candle to his father. 我猜想他是相當不錯的,可是還是不能與他父親相比。
- He's hopelessly inefficient, but I suppose he meanswell. 他低能得無以復加,然而卻是出於好心。
- I suppose he ought to have known that, oughtn't he ? 我想他應該已經知道那件事,是不是?
- I suppose he is too busy with his popsy these days, like he said he'd be. 依我看,他這些日子一定象他說過的那樣,正忙著玩女人呢。
- Mr White is nobody in town but I suppose he's somebody in his own village. 懷特先生在這城裡默默無聞,但我想他在自己的村裡還算是個人物。
- I suppose he's eccentric. 我想他大概是個性情古怪的人。