- It』s all mixed up, and I don』t know that anyone can find a common denominator. 意見很多,我不知道有誰能找到共同點。
- I don』t know that artists and poets join schools for quite the same reason that sardines do. 我不知道藝術家及詩人們結成團體是否基於與沙丁魚相同的理由。
- I don"t know that what brand is two pagers, also don"t know is which had the paging centers. 我已經不知道那兩部傳呼機是什麼品牌的了,也不知道當初入的是哪個尋呼台了。
- I don』t know how that transpired. 我不知道這事怎麼傳出去的" 。
- You think I don"t know that? I was just saying the Americans would be even worse if they Mandarin WAS the official ICAO phraseology language. 我以為俺不知道蠻?我剛才是說如果普通話是ICAO規定用語的話,美國佬會更差!!
- ADRIEN: [*laughs*] I don』t know, I』ve been asked that actually. A: (大笑)我不知道。事實上以前也有人問過我。
- General John Bell Hood Well, I don『t know, General Jackson; but I like to think that I will. I do not know that I will survive unwounded however. 胡德將軍我不知道,傑克遜將軍,但我想我會的,可不知道是否會毫髮無損。
- I don' t know Miss Green from Miss Smith. 我認不出誰是格林小姐,誰是史密斯小組。
- I don' t know how far to rely on him. 我不知道應該依靠他到什麼程度。
- I don' t know what to do to fix this in my mind. 我不知道怎樣才能牢牢記住這一點。
- I don' t know when this wine was bottled. 我不知道這酒是何時裝瓶的。
- I don t know the exact spot where it happened. 我不知道事情發生的確切地點。
- "I don』t know that they would have been able to come up with the theory of evolution in the situation we』re faced with now, where biogeographical provinces are increasingly mixed up. 我不知道,目前生物地理不斷混和在一起,要是他們面臨到我們目前正在面對的問題,他們是否還能夠提出進化論來。」
- I don; t know if I should pity or admire you. 我不知道我該同情你還是羨慕你。
- I don' t know the exact place where he wants to go. 我不知道他到底要到哪裡去。
- I don' t know what he is driving at. 我不知道他是什麼意思。
- No disrespect, but I don\'t know that you do. 沒有冒犯的意思 我不認為你能理解。
- The hen answers, Cluck, cluck, I don t know. 然後母雞去問鴨子。「嘎嘎,我不知道。」
- Quack, quack, I don t know, answers the duck. 綿羊回答說,「咩,我不知道。」綿羊去問狗。
- Peter Marwood I don『t know, I don『t know. Peter Marwood我不知道,我不知道。