- I stand out in a group interview. 在集體面試中脫穎而出。
- In a segregated America, the NAACP's role in helping the black community was undeniable. 在一個隔離化的美國,NAACP在幫助黑人群體方面的作用無可置疑。
- When in a group setting, what is your typical role? 你在團隊中通常的作用是什麼?
- China』s role in the brouhaha, if any, is unclear. 如果出現騷亂,中國政府的態度會是怎樣就不明朗了。
- FERC's role in siting projects is controversial. FERC在項目選址中的角色仍有爭議。
- Individually, the children are quite nice, but in a group they badly behave. 這些孩子單獨呆著時都挺不錯,可是聚在一起就沒規沒矩了。
- Clow play an important role in a circus. 小丑在馬戲團起著重要作用。
- To come together in a group or mass; gather. 聚集來到一起成為一組或一個團體;聚集
- To come together in a group; assemble. 集合集合成為一組;聚集
- To assemble or unite in a group. 使團結集合或聯合成一群
- Does dancing play an important role in a culture? 舞蹈是一種文化的重要組成部分嗎?
- Mr Chan suspects that Macau blacklisted him for his role in a group in Hong Kong that in 2003 lobbied against a national-security law, which the government in Beijing wanted Hong Kong to adopt. 陳先生懷疑他之所以上了澳門的黑名單是因為2003年他遊說香港政府不要通過北京希望香港採用的國家安全法。
- Clowns play an important role in a circus. 小丑在馬戲中扮演著重要的角色。
- Zhang Hai, Liu Hong and Gu Ming worked in a group. 張海、劉紅和顧明在一組工作。
- She plays the leading role in a television show. 她在一個電視劇中擔任主角。
- HAVING is typically used in a GROUP BY clause. HAVING通常在GROUP BY子句中使用。
- The principal role in a dramatic production. 主角戲劇作品中的主要角色
- The voicelessness is quite out of place with China"s role in the world. 這種「無聲」的狀況與中國在世界發揮的作用極不相符。
- I hate being the center of attention in a group. 我討厭成為別人討論的焦點。