- Huang Wei's Chinese is excellent indeed. 這黃偉的漢語說得可真不錯。
- You have seen with your own eyes the fate of the 3 armies under Huang Po-tao, Huang Wei and Sun Yuan-liang. 黃百韜兵團、黃維兵團和孫元良兵團的下場,你們已經親眼看到了。
- Deputy Minister, Ministry of Construction Huang Wei sent a congratulatory message. 建設部副部長黃衛發來賀信。
- Now that Huang Wei's army has been completely wiped out and Li Yen-nien's army has fled towards Pengpu, we are able to concentrate an attacking force several times your strength. 現在黃維兵團已被全部殲滅,李延年兵團向蚌埠逃跑,我們可以集中幾倍於你們的兵力來打你們。
- Fan Ming and Liu Xinglong deceived Zhao yan to a waterlocks room on the North side of Huang Wei Road, east of Wang Li Village at 22:00 on the evening of May 21, 1984. 一九八四年五月二十一日晚十時,樊明、劉希龍將趙燕從家中騙至王立庄村東黃魏公路北側一水閘房內。
- Huang Wei,Huang Ying,Yu Yun-zhao.Application of polysiloxane to modification of epoxy encapsulant[ J ] Silicone Material and Applications,1999(3):10-12. [9]黃偉;黃英;余雲照.;原硅酸乙酯的水解縮聚[J]
- Arrived 2005 2006, advertisement is online time is basic tenability is controlled in 8 hours, everyday Huang Wei is gotten can receive 45 advisory telephone calls. 2005年到2006年,廣告在線時間基本可維持在8個小時左右,每天黃維領能接到四五個諮詢電話。
- Huang Wei is gotten say in oneself indictment, a staff member of Baidu oppugns the monitoring software that he buys oneself to may have the accuracy rate of 50% only. 黃維領在自己的起訴狀中稱,百度的一位工作人員質疑他自購的監控軟體可能只有50%25的準確率。
- Huang Wei further indicated that in the long run, after passing the real estate market severe winter, the real estate market will hasten the rationalization, enters a steady development phase. 黃偉進一步表示,從長遠來看,在度過樓市嚴冬之後,樓市將會更趨理性化,進入一個平穩發展階段。
- Huang Wei Wendi temple was built in the early 2003, as Dong Wei Gao Huan Dili on many occasions, such as expansion of rehabilitation, is now basically destroyed, only one Shifo, 15-monument. 該寺始建於魏文帝黃初三年,經東魏高歡帝等多次擴建重修,現已基本被毀,僅存石佛一尊,碑石15通。
- Huang Wei said in his congratulatory letter, in recent years, the sustained and healthy development of China's construction industry, enterprises steadily increased construction notable achievements. 黃衛在賀信中說,近年來,我國建築業持續健康發展,企業效益穩步提高,工程建設成就顯著。
- Authors: XU YongJi, HUANG Wei, LIN QingHua, 作者:徐用吉,黃煒,林清華
- In Britain women were enfranchised in 1918. 1918年英國婦女獲得議會選舉權。
- Authors: LIN QingHua, XU YongJi, LI JinLi, AN BiLi, HUANG Wei, GU Tao, 作者:林清華,徐用吉,李金麗,安碧麗,黃煒,顧濤
- He was born July 14, 1918, in Uppsala, Sweden. 伯格曼於1918年7月14日生於瑞典的烏普薩拉。
- In Britain, women were given the franchise in 1918. 英國婦女於一九一八年獲得了選舉權。
- Yeh, Hund-Der, Jan-Ming Lee, and Chung-Huang Huang (Nov. 8-11, 1993). 黃宗煌、吳惠如、萬象(民國82年11月)。
- We arrived there on Saturday,on June 14th in 1918. 我們到達那裡的時間是在一九一八年六月十四日星期六。
- It is from, hang on a sec, oh yeh, Japan. 那是來自,等一會兒,對了,日本。
- The actual warfare ceased in November, 1918. 實際的武裝衝突於1918年11月停止。