- Ha ha jokes to the joke, but it's all the club's classmates saw this in mind, everyone can understand, the dream of burning heart, what would be the kind of perseverance and can not shake Chi Kuang. 呵呵開玩笑歸開玩笑,可是所有的這一切俱樂部的同學都看在眼裡記在心裡,每一個人都能理解,夢想燃燒的心裡,會是怎樣一種無法撼動的堅持與痴狂。
- Systemic symptom has facial expression mouth of red, be agitated is dry, or have calorific, have a bowel movement dry, or rare jalf congealed is smelly dirty, pee Huang Chi. 全身癥狀有面色紅、煩躁口乾、或有發熱、大便乾燥、或稀溏臭穢、小便黃赤。
- The first core memory was envisioned in 1948. 在1948年第一個磁芯存貯器問世。
- Moreover, in my home during one of the main purposes is to eat special food to eat wolfing down his food Kuang Chi Ho (20 kg Never human fat). 另外在回國期間本人主要目的之一就是大吃特吃猛吃狂吃豪吃(不肥20斤誓不為人)。
- Sri Lanka became independent of England in 1948. 斯里蘭卡於年從英國獲得獨立。
- Kuang Yi Pavilion in Wuyou Temple. 烏尤寺中的曠怡亭。
- Xun Kuang is a new landlord class thinkers. 荀況是新興地主階級的思想家。
- It was established on 7 April 1948. 它於1948年4月7日建立。
- Duane Kuang: spend a lot of time. 鄺子平:花很多時間。
- Tien Chi is a human nation of the ancient era. 天齊是一個古老的人類國家。
- Led by Huang Chao, they brought down the reigning house after300 years' rule. 在黃巢的帶領下他們推翻了統治了三百年的王朝。
- Jarvis died in 1948 at the age of 84. 加維斯於1948年去世,享年84歲。
- Her last book was published posthumously in 1948. 她最後的一本書在她死後於1948 年出版了。
- Snow fell to a depth of over three chi. 雪下了三尺多厚。
- Please connect me with Mr. Huang. 請黃先生聽電話。
- So began the pursuit of the Chi troops. 遂逐齊師。
- T.S.Eliot won the 1948 Nobel Prize in Literature. 艾略特在1948年榮獲諾貝爾文學獎。
- Huang, I.C., Jone, K.Y., &Uen, J.F.(1996). 黃英忠、鍾昆原、溫金豐(民87)。
- Front cover of Kinsey's first 「report」 of 1948. 金西於1948年發表的首個「報告」的封面。