- Lu Kaqi and HU Feng were controversial in the field left-wing literary theory in the 1920s. 盧卡奇和胡風在20世紀左翼文藝理論界中長期處於爭論的風口浪尖。
- The study of Hu Feng's literary theory should be conducted in the original historical context, avoiding overstating or understating his literary achievements in following a certain academic tendency. 摘要本文認為胡風文藝思想研究應回到歷史的原初語境,避免隨一時潮流而將其文藝思想拔高或貶低的傾向。
- On Hu Feng's Literary Theory and its Impact on the July Poetic School 胡風的文學流派理念及其對七月詩派形成的影響
- Hu Feng's literary theory 胡風文藝思想
- LIANG Qi-chao' s literary theory 梁氏文論
- The magazine was the marketplace of literary theory. 那本雜誌是文學理論激戰之論壇。
- In the 1930s, Hu Feng and Zhou Yang launched a literary controversy over the question of typicality. 20世紀30年代,胡風與周揚就典型問題展開了一場極有文學價值的論爭。
- Hu Feng's Fiction Criticism had obvious perceptual features as a whole, which indicated his active imaginal thinking in literary criticism. 摘要胡風的小說批評就整體而言具有比較明顯的感性特色,這說明胡風在從事文學批評時,其形象思維仍然保持一定的活躍性。
- Article criticizing the counter-revolutionary Hu Feng clique. 這是毛澤東同志為批判胡風反革命集團而寫的一篇文章。
- Woolf s literary theory 伍爾夫文學理論
- Feng" s literary works had complex idea, because his affectional viewpoint had realistic base and widespread social contents such as ethics, morals and money. 它是紮根在世俗社會中的現實之情,溶入了社會、倫理、道德、金錢等世俗觀念,具有廣泛的社會內容和現實基礎。
- So the typical literary structure-Quan Bai Feng Yi came into being, which reflected such a predicament as that the literary theory dropped behind the producing practice. 漢賦「勸百諷一」現象,反映了文藝理論建設落後於創作實踐的窘困。
- Facing Consuming Culture: What Could Literary Theory do? 在消費文化面前文藝學何為?
- Is It Right or Wrong for Cultural Study to Replace Literary Theory? 是耶?非耶?文化研究代替文學理論?
- The class characteristic of art is his core of literary theory. 藝術的階級屬性,是其文藝思想的核心內容。
- Woolf』s literary models were acute social observers like Chekhov and Chaucer. 伍爾芙的文學楷模是像契訶夫和喬叟那樣敏銳的社會觀察家。
- In1930 s, Lao She deeply researched into the modernity of literary theory in his theory works including Teaching Materials on Introduction to Literature. 摘要老舍在1930年代所寫的《文學概論講義》等理論著作中對文學理論現代性進行過深入而獨到的探求。
- And how about the counter-revolutionary forces represented by the Hu Feng elements? 而胡風分子所代表的反革命力量呢?
- The conclusion is that Ni Yue』s literary style not only follows his father Ni Qian』s simplicity and briefness, but also accepts Li Dongyang』s literature theory of pursuing elegance. 倪岳的詩文既沿襲了父親倪謙「朴而不俚,簡而不露」的創作風貌,又接受了李東陽「渾雅正大」的文藝理論的影響。
- Hu Feng elements are sure to "have a go" at it, and they are already calling him "comrade". 胡風分於是要來「試」一下的,他們已經稱這人為「同志」了。