- How's your trip to China. 您的中國之行怎樣了。
- On your trip to China you will be able to make good use of your knowledge of Chinese. 你學的漢語在這次中國之行中可以大派用場了。
- I hope your trip to China will mark the beginning of longstanding cooperation between us. 我希望這次中國之行標誌著我們之間長期穩定的業務合作的開始。
- Tell me how your trip to Hong kong was. 告訴我香港之行的情況。
- Hi! Welcome back. How was your trip to Shanghai? 嗨!歡迎回來!你去上海的旅程如何?
- How much did your trip to the dentist cost? 你到牙醫那邊晃一圈花了多少錢?
- How was your trip to the Summer Palace? 你對遊覽頤和園有什麼感想?
- Max: Hi, Casey! How was your trip to Korea? Casey! 你到韓國玩得怎樣?
- Hello, Tony. How was your trip to Brazil? 你好,托尼。你的巴西之行怎麼樣?
- A: How was your trip to Dalian? 這趟大連之行怎麼樣?
- Welcome to Hefei. Is this your first trip to China? 歡迎你們到合肥來,這是你們第一次訪問中國嗎?
- M: How did you find your trip to Vietnam? 你去越南的旅行怎麼樣?
- How was your trip to Hannas Lake ? 你去哈納斯的旅行怎麼樣?
- Have you sounded out your wife on your trip to Australia yet? 就你去澳大利亞旅行的事你試探了你妻子意見嗎?
- I'd like some information about your trip to Kathmandu. 我想了解你們在Kathmandu旅行的一些情況。
- I'm glad to hear that. Is this your first trip to China,Mr.Wilson? 很高興您這麼說。威爾遜先生,您是初次來中國嗎?
- The Smiths are planning to go on a trip to China. 斯密斯一家正安排去中國旅行。
- My brother took a trip to China. 我的兄弟去中國旅行了一次。
- She gave me a helpful tip about my trip to China. 她告訴我很多去中國旅遊的實用小技巧。
- I hope you enjoy your trip to Hong Kong. 我希望您到香港的旅途愉快。