- Hot and cold are contrary terms. 熱與冷是相反的詞語。
- The hotel has hot and cold water in all the bedrooms. 這家旅館所有的房間里都有冷熱水。
- They alternate hot and cold compresses. 他們使用冷熱交替壓縮法。
- They have got tried of Ann's blowing hot and cold. 他們對安的反覆無常感到厭倦。
- Mary blew hot and cold about going to college. 瑪麗對上大學一事搖擺不定。
- All our rooms have hot and cold running water. 我們所有的房間都有冷熱水。
- The hotel has hot and cold water in every bedroom. 這家旅館所有的房間里都有冷熱水。
- He was very changeable,often blowing hot and cold. 他朝三暮四,老是反覆無常。
- When the phone rang I just went hot and cold. 電話鈴響時我嚇得一陣冷一陣熱。
- All rooms have hot and cold water. 所有的房間都有冷、熱水。
- He felt alternately hot and cold with anxiety. 他焦慮得感到忽冷忽熱。
- Hot and cold food is available in the cafeteria. 自助餐廳有冷熱食物供應。
- There are mixing faucets for hot and cold water. 有冷熱混合龍頭。
- He is always blowing hot and cold. 此人總是喜怒無常。
- He was very changeable, often blowing hot and cold. 他朝三暮四,老是反覆無常。
- His enthusiasm for his work blew hot and cold. 在工作上他總是忽冷忽熱有冬有夏。
- The weather fluctuates between hot and cold. 天氣時冷時熱。
- A combination of low rainfall and different average temperatures creates tropical, temperate, and cold deserts. 低降雨量和不同的平均溫度的組合產生熱帶、溫帶、寒帶漠土。
- The restaurant serves both hot and cold food. 熱的;辣的;熱烈的;剛發生的;受歡迎的
- You shouldn't blow hot and cold with your friends. 交朋友不能朝三暮四。