- "東芝發言人Jun'ichi Nagaki說道,"我們認為對紙的需求永遠不會完全消失。"We don't think demand for paper will ever disappear completely."
- maupasi Enriques,1908的同物異名;, 1965 and Paracolpoda maupasi (Enriques, 1908) Lynn, 1975 could be regarded as synonyms of C.
- 第22屆和24屆美國總統(1837-1908)。22nd and 24th President of the United States (1837-1908).
- 第36屆美國總統;被選為副總統併當肯尼迪遇刺後繼任肯尼迪(1908-1973)。36th President of the United States; was elected Vice President and succeeded Kennedy when Kennedy was assassinated (1908-1973).
- Davenport(1908)和Bruce(1910)提出顯性假說,Shull(1908)和East(1908)提出超顯性假說。Davenport (1908) and Bruce (1910) brought forward the dominance hypothesis, and almost at the same time Shull (1908) and East (1908) took out their over-dominance hypothesis.
- 1908奧運會期間,埃希爾貝特-塔爾博特主教在為運動員佈道時的講話被顧拜旦採用,成為奧林匹克信條。Pierre de Coubertin got the creed from a speech given by Bishop Ethelbert Talbot at a service for Olympic champions during the 1908 Olympic Games.
- 它於1904、1908和1920年重現奧運會體壇,但此後又銷聲匿跡了一段時間,直到1972年才得到恢復。It returned in 1904, 1908, and 1920, before vanishing until 1972.
- 利比,威拉德·弗蘭克1908-1980美國化學家,因研製出放射性碳測年代技術而獲得1960年諾貝爾獎。American chemist. He won a1960 Nobel Prize for developing the method of radiocarbon dating.
- 默羅,愛德華·羅(斯考)1908-1965美國廣播記者,因其在二戰期間有過來自倫敦的激動人心的真實報道而廣為人知American broadcast journalist noted for his dramatic factual reports from London during World War II.
- 利比,威拉德·弗蘭克1908-1980美國化學家,因研製出放射性碳測年代技術而獲得1960年諾貝爾獎American chemist.He won a1960Nobel Prize for developing the method of radiocarbon dating.
- 哪個城市獲得1908夏季奧運會舉辦權,但由於1906年維蘇威火山爆發毀滅性破壞而不得不放棄並由倫敦舉辦。Which city was originally awarded the1908 Summer Games,but had to relinquish it to London after the costly destruction caused by the1906 eruption of Mt. Vesuvius?
- 朗道,萊夫·達維多維奇1908-1968原蘇聯物理學家。因為他在低溫物理學上的貢獻,獲得了1962年諾貝爾獎Soviet physicist. He won a1962 Nobel Prize for his contributions to low-temperature physics.
- 克拉斯納,李1908-1984美國藝術家,以她自然、示意性的繪畫方式而聞名。她是抽象表現主義紐約學派的一位創立者American artist known for her spontaneous,gestural approach to painting.She was a founder of the New York School of abstract expressionism.
- 查普曼:美國鳥類學家,曾任紐約市的美國自然歷史博物館館長(1908-1942年),並編著了一系列鳥類研究著作,包括《北美洲鳥類的色標》(1903年)"Chapman:american ornithologist who was curator of ornithology (1908-1942) at the american Museum of Natural History in New York City and compiled a number of bird studies, including a Color Key to North american Birds (1903)."
- 二十世紀五十年代,瑞士藝術家馬克思·比爾(Max Bill,1908-94)進一步發展了「具體藝術」(與「抽象藝術」相對)的形式,使之更加流行。In the 1950s, Swiss artist Max Bill (1908-94) further developed and popularized the style "Concrete Art" (as opposed to "abstract").
- 進步運動在Urdu小說得勢在Sajjad Zaheer 1905-1976,Ahmed阿里1912-1994,Mahmood-uz-Zafar 1908-1994並且Rasheed Jahan 1905-1952之下。The Progressive Movement in Urdu fiction gained momentum under Sajjad Zaheer 1905-1976 CE, Ahmed Ali 1912-1994 CE, Mahmood-uz- Zafar 1908-1994 CE and Rasheed Jahan 1905-1952 CE.
- 加爾布雷思,約翰·肯尼思生於1908加拿大裔的美國經濟學家、外交家,曾任駐印度美國大使,作品包括大撞擊和富裕的社會(1958年)Canadian-born American economist, writer, and diplomat who served as U.S. ambassador to India(1961-1963). His works include The Great Crash(1955) and The Affluent Society(1958).
- 美國鳥類學家(1908-1942)曾在紐約擔任美國自然歷史博物館的鳥類學的館長,並且編寫一定數量的鳥類研究,包括《北美洲的一把顏色鑰匙》(1903)American ornithologist who was curator of ornithology(1908-1942) at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City and compiled a number of bird studies,including A Color Key to North American Birds(1903)
- 加爾布雷思,約翰·肯尼思生於1908加拿大裔的美國經濟學家、作家、外交家,曾任駐印度美國大使,作品包括大撞擊(1955年)和富裕的社會(1958年)。Canadian-born American economist,writer,and diplomat who served as U.S. ambassador to India(1961-1963). His works include The Great Crash(1955) and The Affluent Society(1958).
- 理查德·賴特(Richard Wright,1908-1960年)被認為是美國黑人文學史上里程碑式的人物,是美國二十世紀三、四十年代受壓迫的黑人以及關於黑人問題的最受尊敬的代言人之一。Richard Wright is considered a figure as milestone in the history of Afro-American literature and one of American most highly respected spokesmen for Black problems and the oppressed black American in the late 1930s and 1940s.