- Hydroquinone and hydrogen peroxide build up in the insect』s abdomen. 苯二酚和過氧化氫存在昆蟲的腹部製造。
- As the pressure of the pregnant woman s abdomen would change if the foetus move, the FM signal is gotten by using pressure sensor. 針對胎動發生時引起母體腹壁壓力改變這一生理特性,首先利用壓力感測器從母腹部提取胎動信號並經採樣至計算機內;
- Unit 01 proceeds to dismember Unit 03, throwing its arms and legs away, then rips into unit 03's abdomen, tossing it's intestines about like ribbons. 股收益01至03肢解股,拋出了胳膊和腿,然後到單位03列的腹部,投它的腸子關於像緞帶。
- Amniocentesis is a procedure in which a long, thin needle is inserted through the woman』s abdomen to sample the amniotic fluid in which the fetus swims. 羊水診斷是產前檢查的項目之一,檢查中用一根細而長的針頭經孕婦腹腔刺入,提取羊水樣本。羊水乃胎兒漂浮的液體。
- self retaining abdominal retractor 腹部自留牽開器
- Holzbach's abdominal retractor hysterectomy forceps 霍爾茲巴克(氏)子宮切除鉗
- Logothetopoulos' abdominal retractor 洛斯(氏)腹壁牽開器
- shallow pattern abdominal retractor 淺式腹部牽開器
- Faure-Coryllos-Doyen abdominal retractor 福-科-杜三氏腹壁牽開器
- Delageniere's abdominal retractor 德拉傑尼爾(氏)腹壁牽開器
- Finochietto's abdominal retractor 菲諾切托(氏)腹壁牽開器
- Osullivan-Oconnor abdominal retractor 奧-奧二氏腹壁拉鉤
- Quervain-Stille abdominal retractor 奎-斯二氏腹壁牽開器, 奎-斯二氏腹壁拉鉤
- Franz' abdominal retractor tumor forceps 弗朗茲(氏)(子宮)肌瘤鉗
- Franz-Loewenstein abdominal retractor 弗-洛二氏腹壁牽開器
- The lark's on the wing, the snail's on the horn. 雲雀在空中飛翔,蝸牛伸出觸角爬行。
- chain with weight for abdominal retractor 腹壁拉鉤用帶重鎚的鏈
- Fritsch's deep abdominal retractor 弗里契(氏)深腹部拉鉤
- The rhinoceros has one horn on its nose. 犀牛鼻子上有一個角。
- Middeldorpf's abdominal retractor 米德爾多夫(氏)腹壁拉鉤