- 法蘭西第三共和國(1870-1940)The T-Republic
- TAR與M-TAR模型TAR and M-TAR model
- 英國現代社會保障制度的建立(1870-1914)The Establishment of the British Modern Social Security System(1870-1914)
- Cox-Q-Pl-Tar壓力計Cpx-Q-PI-Tar geobarometer
- 新產品也是一個tar文件。The new product is also a tar file.
- 高kHigh-k
- 1870年代清朝留美幼童與1900年代清末留日學生之比較The Comparison Between the boys of Qing Dynasty Studying in America in 1870 and the Students of Late Qing Studying in Japan in 1900
- 門限自回歸模型(TAR)threshold autoregressive model (TAR)
- K肥K fertilizer
- 布爾什維克的俄國建立者和俄國革命的領導者,蘇聯第一任首領(1870-1924)。Russian founder of the Bolsheviks and leader of the Russian Revolution and first head of the USSR (1870-1924).
- 將tar文件添加到歸檔文件中A, --catenate, --concatenate append tar files to an archive
- (kk
- 《聖經》修訂本(英國學者於1870-1884年間根據《聖經》欽定本修訂而成)The revised Version (revision by British scholars in 1870-1884 of the Authorized Version of the Bible )
- k/nk-out-of-n
- 支持包括MIME、TAR和CAB在內的網際網路文件格式Internet file format support, including MIME TAR & CAB.
- 查爾斯·狄更斯(1812-1870)是十九世紀英國最傑出的小說家之一。Charles Dickens (1812-1870) is one of the most outstanding English writers in the nineteenth century. His works enjoy great popularity among people and can stand the test of time.
- K泡potassium bubble
- 你可以使用POPtools的remote命令「tar」過所有的程序包。You can use the poptools remote command to"tar" all of the package across.
- K鏡K mirror