- His ideas are quite beyond my ken. 我很不理解他的想法。
- Hirano Ken 平野謙(1907-78),日本人,評論家。
- Ken: We have got plenty of time. 肯恩:我們還有充裕的時間。
- Nitrogen forms about 78% of the earth's atmosphere. 氮約佔地球大氣的百分之七十八。
- Abstract words are beyond the ken of children. 抽象的詞語是幼童所無法理解的。
- What happens after death is outside our ken. 死後會怎樣我們不得而知。
- What happens after death is beyond our ken. 死後會怎樣我們不得而知。
- The workings of the Stock Exchange are beyond most people's ken. 證券交易所的運作情況大多數人都不了解。
- I can't repair a car engine; it's quite beyond my ken. 我不會修理汽車引擎,這超出了我的知識範圍。
- Ken is not present, so I shall accept the prize on his behalf. 肯不在場,所以我代表他領獎。
- Ralph is going to visit Ken's office for the first time. 這是Ralph初次要去Ken的公司拜訪。
- He won the 1907 Nobel Prize for literature. 他獲得1907年諾貝爾文學獎。
- The working of the stock exchange is beyond most people's ken. 證券交易所的運作情況大多數人都不了解。
- Nice legs...From Aya Hirano's latest CD single. 周星馳-少林足球被剪掉的一段!保證超爆笑!
- It equalled the 5-0 victory in December 1907. 1907年12月,紅軍也取得了對維拉5-0的大捷。
- There were panics in 1873, 1884, 1893 and 1907. 1873年、1884年、1893年和1907年均有銀行恐慌發生。
- Hirano and his co-workers said they felt betrayed. 「這是日本傳統。
- What happens on the seabed is beyond my ken. 海底發生的事情我不甚了解。
- Messing, Shin-ichi Hirano, and Hans Hausner. 題名其餘部分: edited by Gary L.
- It was admitted as the 46th state in 1907. 它於1907年被接納為美國的第46個州。