- Highways Department will set up a webpage of the Committee. 路政署將會在短期內設立網頁。
- Highways Department has hundreds of professional and technical staff directly involved in road maintenance. 路政署有數百位專業及技術職員直接參与道路的保養工作。
- The Highways Department aims at providing an efficient road and rail network for the movement of people and goods. 路政署致力提供具效率的道路及鐵路網,讓乘客及貨運暢通無阻。
- "All the jokes in the office today have been about toasted cheese and fondue," a highways department spokeswoman said. 授權轉載務必註明來源「金羊網--新快報」。
- The works mainly comprise the upgrading of some 23 man-made slopes and retaining walls maintained by the Highways Department on Hong Kong Island. 工程主要包括為約23幅位於香港島而由路政署負責維修及保養的人造斜坡及擋土牆進行加固工程。
- Motorists are advised that to facilitate road maintenance works by Highways Department, Wuhu Street Underpass will be temporarily closed to all vehicular traffic. 紅磡蕪湖街行車隧道將臨時封閉,以便路政署進行道路維修工程。
- Motorists are advised that to facilitate the road maintenance works by Highways Department, Winslow Street Underpass will be temporarily closed to all vehicular traffic. 溫思勞街行車隧道將臨時封閉,以便路政署進行道路維修工程。
- Ten persons, including three Highways Department staff, were arrested for their alleged involvement in substandard works at two slope reinforcement projects in Kowloon. 廉政公署拘捕十名人士,包括三名路政署職員,懷疑他們與九兩個未符合規格的斜坡鞏固工程有關。
- The works mainly comprise the upgrading of some 42 man-made slopes and retaining walls maintained by the Highways Department in the New Territories and Outlying Islands. 工程主要包括為約42幅位於新界及離島而由路政署負責維修及保養的人造斜坡及擋土牆進行加固工程。
- The mission of a state highway department is the design and construction of desired highways. 國營高速公路部門的任務是設計和建造人們所期望的高速公路。
- The Director of Highways heads the Highways Department,which is responsible for designing and constructing all highways,their repair and maintenance,and also for studying new railway proposals and monitoring their construction. 路政署署長掌管路政署,負責設計、建造和維修所有公路,並研究設立新鐵路網的建議,以及監察新鐵路項目的建造工程。
- To co-ordinate work more effectively and to minimise traffic disruption the Highways Department holds monthly Road Opening Co-ordinating Committee meetings with the utility companies,the police and the Transport Department. 為了更有效統籌這些工程,並盡量避免妨礙交通,路政署每月均召開一次道路挖掘統籌委員會會議,與各公用事業公司、警方及運輸署人員商議有關事宜。
- The Court of Appeal dismissed the appeals of two directors of an engineering company against their convictions of conspiring to defraud the Highways Department in relation to road surfacing works. 高等法院上訴法庭駁回一間工程公司的兩名董事推翻定罪的上訴。兩名上訴人較早前在多項路面維修工程中串謀詐騙路政署,被判罪名成立。
- The Director of Highways heads the Highways Department, which is responsible for designing and constructing all highways, their repair and maintenance, and also for studying new railway proposals and monitoring their construction. 路政署署長掌管路政署,負責設計、建造和維修所有公路,並研究設立新鐵路網的建議,以及監察新鐵路項目的建造工程。
- To co-ordinate work more effectively and to minimise traffic disruption the Highways Department holds monthly Road Opening Co-ordinating Committee meetings with the utility companies, the police and the Transport Department. 為了更有效統籌這些工程,並盡量避免妨礙交通,路政署每月均召開一次道路挖掘統籌委員會會議,與各公用事業公司、警方及運輸署人員商議有關事宜。
- Government Property Agency Highways Department 政府新聞處
- A minor road connects the highways. 一條小路同幾條公路相連。
- Men and machines poured along the main highways. 人和機動車順著公路如潮湧而去。
- Wheatland Township - Offers details on the township's history, assessor's office, highway department and officials. 易易工作室-各種在線工具,站長網誌,以及多個應用項目。
- In Wyoming, for example, the highway department erects tall snow fences to help keep roads clear of snowdrifts. 在懷俄明內,例如,公路處豎立高雪閘極欄幫助保持道路距離雪堆。