- Inbuilt high resolution camera for sample monitoring at any time. 內置高清晰攝像頭,方便用戶監測樣品。
- If you mainly want to create images to use on a website or to send in e_mails, you don't need an expensive high resolution camera. 如果你的照片主要想在網站上使用或通過email傳送,那你沒必要購買昂貴的高解析度相機。
- High resolution background moving picture. 高分辯率背景視頻動態畫面。
- High resolution digital reading eyepiece. 高解析度的數字式讀數目鏡。
- High resolution laser marking /engraving machines. 高解析度激游標記/雕刻機器。
- If you mainly want to create images to use on a website or to send in e_mails,you don't need an expensive high resolution camera. 如果你的照片主要想在網站上使用或通過email傳送,那你沒必要購買昂貴的高解析度相機。
- NASA publicizes its first bunch of pictures that newly equipped high resolution camera of Hubble Space Telescope captured in the outerspace. 美國宇航局NASA公布了首批由今年早些時候裝配上了高解析度照相設備的哈勃太空望遠鏡所捕捉到的圖片。
- A. Goshtasby and W. A. Gruver, 「Design of a Single-Lens Stereo Camera System,」 Pattern Recognition, Vol.26, No.6, pp. 923-937,1993. 鄭勝文,許懷文,張春富,「水下運動物體標定及追蹤動態視覺系統之研發」,第五屆水下技術研討會論文集,民國九十二年五月。
- Optics microscope and PC connected by industry video camera of high resolution power, relied on specialized analyses soft to complete fiber diameter test. 是通過高解析度的工業攝像機將光學顯微鏡與計算機相連,依靠專業的分析軟體來完成纖維直徑的測試。
- NASA publicized the first bunch of pictures captured by the Hubble Space Telescope which has been equipped with high resolution camera in this early year. 美國宇航局NASA公布了首批由今年早些時候裝配上了高解析度照相設備的哈勃太空望遠鏡所捕捉到的圖片。
- The photo released by NASA on August 12 shows the Victoria crater in the Meridiani Planum region of Mars taken by the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera. 8月12日,美國國家航空航天局公布了一張顯示位於火星子午高原地區寬達800米的維多利亞火山口的照片。
- This paper presents a re alistic head avatar creating technology, which uses2 D image and depth map, capt ured by stereo camera, to create head avatar's face part, and uses head's textur e and3 D head model to create the other parts of the avatar. 提出了一種新的真實感頭部化身生成技術,該技術利用立體攝像機產生的二維圖片和深度圖生成化身臉部,而用三維模型和貼圖生成化身其他部位,從而實現用有限的硬體和運算量得到較真實的頭部化身。
- Very high resolution and detail capture throughout the zoom range! 在整個變焦範圍內都有很高的解析度和細節捕獲能力!
- High resolution inspecting investigation for inner defect of SRM. 固體火箭發動機內部缺陷高解析度檢測。
- Choose between various stereo modes such as anaglyph, checkerboard and horizontal interlace.You can render from the stereo camera and view the render output in any of these stereo modes. 在各種立體模式例如浮雕、棋盤格和隔行掃描中選擇,你可以以任何模式從立體攝像機渲染和查看渲染輸出的結果。
- Low energy monochromator with high resolution and flux. 高分辨和高流強的低能單色器。
- In visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping, many models are proposed to make use of various kinds of vision systems including monocular camera, stereo camera, and omni-directional camera. 摘要:在同步定位及地圖建立的領域中,目前已有很多使用影像系統來完成此任務的方法被提出,如使用單眼相機、立體視覺相機、和全向相機等等。
- Sets to the High Resolution Mode that supports the Progressive. 設置高清晰模式來支持連續模式。
- Sets to the high Resolution Mode that support the Progressive. 智能:設置高清晰模式來支持連續模式。
- Multispectral and high resolution images fusion is presented. 論文對多光譜圖像和高分辨圖像進行了融合。