- Sikhism is an Indian religion combining Islamic and Hindu elements, founded in the Punjab (Panjab) in the late 15th century AD by Nanak. 錫克教是一個把伊斯蘭教和印度教要素合起來的印度宗教,於公元十五世紀後期由那納克在旁遮普地區創立。
- It has a long history, from Japan's Tokugawa era of the Warring States period (15th century AD 16 century). 它具有悠久的歷史,從日本戰國時期到德川時代(公元十五世紀一十六世紀)。
- His ancestors ascend to the 15th century. 他的祖先可上溯到十五世紀。
- Her family can trace its history back to the 15th century. 她的家史可追溯到15世紀。
- This will calculate from 15th century. 這要從十五世紀算起。
- Our house was built in the 15th century. 我們家的房子是15世紀修建的。
- Painting flourished in Italy in the 15th century. 15世紀繪畫在義大利達到頂峰。
- Giants terrorized the land in the 15th century. 巨人在15世紀時曾在英國造成極大恐慌。
- These legends came down to us from the 15th century. 這些傳說是從十五世紀流傳下來的。
- Phot A Koguryo mural of hunting, circa 6th Century AD. 照片:約西元六世紀,一幅描繪打獵的高句麗壁畫。
- That custom has been carried down from the 15th century. 那個習俗是從15世紀傳下來的。
- This system is known from the 6th century AD onward. 這種體系從公元六世紀起就被知曉。
- This custom has been handed on since the 15th century. 這種習俗從十五世紀沿傳到現在。
- In this castle there are cannons from the 15th century. 這座城堡里有十五世紀的大炮。
- This tradition has been traced back to the sixth century AD. 這一傳統已被追溯到公元16世紀。
- Uncial script, mixing both types, developed in the 3rd century AD. 拉丁安色爾字體就是在西元3世紀從這類混合體發展出來的。
- The French began to populate the island in the 15th century. 法國人於15世紀開始遷移到這個島嶼。
- The 15th century plagues left vast areas of Europe depopulated. 15世紀的瘟疫使歐洲廣大的地區人口減少。
- In he 15th century, Spain and Turkey conquered Algeria. 15世紀,西班牙和土耳其先後入侵。
- Established in 15th century, it is one of the old chateaus in St. 黏土成分給葡萄酒以耐久力強的特色。