- It is showed that available energy is not only in relation to the closed system but also to the surroundings, so it is not as same as Helmholtz free energy and Gibbs free energy. 討論了物質平衡條件下的封閉系統的可用能,表明可用能不是系統本身的屬性,而是系統和環境共有的屬性。
- We pickup up "CECILE"'s free clothes, worn it. 我們也穿上了"CECILE"的免費西裝。
- The water stored behind a dam has free energy. 蓄在水閘內的水具有自由能。
- Surface Free Energy and Solid-Liquid Slippage. 界面自由能與滑移。
- She looks at her appointments to see when she』s free. 她查看自己的約會記錄,看看哪個時段自己還沒有安排。
- Eldred wanted to post that collection in hiy s free public library. 艾爾綴德想把詩集放入他的免費圖書館。
- The free energy increases monotonically with increasing radius. 自由能隨半徑的增大而單調地增加。
- Free energy calculation is a challenge problem in MD. 現在有不少方法。比如熱力學積分法。
- That company is bankrolling our office party this year.Everything』s free! 那家公司今年要為咱們辦公室聚會出錢,一切都免費!
- A free energy level. 未被佔據的能量極
- I'm afraid he's busy right now,but I』ll ask him to return your call when he』s free. 恐怕他現在正忙著。我會請他空下來后給你回電話。
- Please see the Society』s free disease and treatment-specific booklets for details about ALL, AML, CLL and CML. 請參見協會免費提供的有關急淋、急粒、慢淋和慢粒疾病的對症治療小冊子。
- This quantity is positive with respect to the free energy of the bulk condensed phase. 對於主體凝結相的自由能來說,這個量是正的。
- A new method of reading the declination signal of gyro s free rotor based on the four-quadrant sensor is introduced in this paper. 提出了一種陀螺儀自由轉子偏角信號讀取的方法,這種方法基於對反射光斑的四象限分割。
- As the concentration of solvated chains increases with decreasing distance, the free energy of the system increases. 隨著距離的減小溶解鏈段的濃度升高,體系的自由能也隨之升高。
- Complete quantization of the electron』s free motion is implemented by trapping it in a quasi-zero-dimensional quantum dot (QD). 如果把電子束縛在一個準零維的量子點中,就可以實現電子運動就完全量子化。
- In depicting reaction coordinates it is more customary to plot the free energy on the vertical axis. 在繪畫反應坐標圖時,較通行的是把自由能畫在縱軸上。
- The next stage in the economic shock therapy will be freeing energy prices. 振興經濟的下一階段措施將會是放寬能源價格限制。
- Derek Liu, gaia』s original founder who』s free gaia online gold persona is named, 「Lanzer』 changed the direction of the company and migrated towards the social gaming market. 這張特殊的身份證表面印有持有者的姓名、年齡、性別、出生年月、血型、身份證號、照片等,但它的奧秘和價值所在是下方的一長排條文形碼。
- We arrived at the DFT for Lennard-Jones fluid by constructing the excess free energy with MFMT and high-order FMSA. 通過採用MFMT和高階FMSA展開分別表示硬球排斥和色散吸引作用對Helmholtz自由能泛函的貢獻,得到了LJ流體的密度泛函方法。