- The famous Crater Lake in Changbai Mountains is beautiful Heaven Lake. 長白山區最著名的火山口湖是美麗的天池。
- She visualized an angel coming from heaven. 她想像一位天使從天而降。
- It is dangerous to walk on thin ice in a lake. 在湖中薄冰上行走是很危險的。
- Old Joe went to heaven long before the World. 老喬在第二次世界大戰以前就早已經見上帝去了。
- One do not go to heaven in a carriage. 坐上四輪車,青天難攀登。
- A breeze ruffled the surface of the lake. 一陣微風吹皺了湖面。
- Heaven grant us patience with a man in love! 天啊!請賜予我們以容忍戀愛中的男人的耐心吧。
- The park borders on the shores of the lake. 公園毗連湖濱。
- And heaven's artillery thunder in the skies? 難道我不曾聽見戰場上的炮轟,天空中的霹靂?
- John ran to the edge of the lake and plunged in. 約翰跑到湖邊,跑進了水裡。
- The cold wind from Lake Baikal is blowing hard. 從貝加爾湖吹來的冷風在呼嘯。
- We go boating on the lake every weekend. 我們每個周末都到湖上划船。
- The place has a fine view of the lake. 從那個地方可看到湖泊的美麗景色。
- She was in heaven when he kissed her. 他吻她時,她飄飄欲仙了。
- My father is weekending at Lake Huron. 我父親在休倫湖度周末。
- The snow crusted the lake last night. 昨夜的雪使湖面結了冰。
- The lake was crusted over with ice. 河面上結了一層冰。
- Gold go in at any gate except heaven's. 除了天堂門,黃金皆可進。
- The west lake is noted for its scenery. 西湖以其風景而著名。
- Heaven's vengeance is slow but sure. 天網恢恢疏而不漏。