- He's too easily led(= easily persuaded to do or think sth). 他太容易受人左右了。
- The enthusiasm of modern creationists can all too easily lead us to forget that the relationship between science and religion has not always been one of open warfare. 現代神創論者的熱情能夠非常容易地導致我們忘記了科學和宗教之間的關係並非一直處於野戰狀態。
- He's too easily led. 他太容易受人左右了.
- He had an inclination to give up too easily. 他總是輕易放棄。
- He could picture all too easily the consequences of being caught. 他能很容易地想像被抓住的後果。
- Melinda:Nah, he's too soft and he makes compromises too easily. 不好啦,他人太軟弱了,而且很容易就妥協。
- He' s too young to know the difference between right and wrong. 他太年輕,不能辨是非,明善惡。
- Young girls are easily led astray . 年輕女子易被引入歧途。
- The car bottomed too easily on the bumpy road. 汽車在崎嶇不平的道路上行駛,其底盤太容易觸地了。
- Young girls are easily led astray. 年輕女子易被引入歧途。
- She falls for all that sales talk much too easily. 她太容易輕信那些推銷商的話了
- This could easily lead to code bloat. 這很容易導致代碼膨脹。
- He' s too proud to be seen in public with his poorly-dressed mother. 他非常傲慢,不願在公共場所被人看見和衣衫襤褸的母親在一起。
- He was easily bored, too easily, and dull people always put him out. 他很容易厭煩,非常容易,那些冥頑不靈的人總使他受不了。
- She' s too inhibited to laugh at jokes about sex. 她很拘謹; 聽到性愛笑話也不笑.
- "You shouldn't laugh that I weep too easily. 大表嫂,你不要笑我愛哭。
- The bad weather easily led him to this kind of mood . 壞天氣很容易影響他的這種情緒。
- She' s too protective towards her son. 她過於呵護兒子。
- That lie could be too easily found out. 這種謊言很容易被人拆穿。
- I don' t like mustard ; it' s too hot. 我不愛吃芥末,這東西太辣了。