- David was obsessed by a girl he has just met. 大衛被一個他剛剛認識的女孩迷住了。
- He's obsessed by football. 他沉溺於足球運動。
- He was obsessed by fear of death. 他被死亡的恐懼所困擾。
- The hostages were obsessed by the fear of death. 人質被死亡的恐懼所纏擾。
- He is obsessed by the idea that he may catch some disease. 他老是想著自己會病魔纏身。
- He was obsessed by lust for money, so he made a mistake. 他被金錢所迷眼,所以才會犯這樣的錯誤。
- Many people are spellbound by football. 許多人為足球而著迷。
- Many people are spellbound by football. 許多人為足球而著迷。
- He seemed obsessed by the fear that he was not receiving adequate credit. 他好象擔心自己沒有受到充分的評價,並被這念頭折磨著。
- Don't be obsessed by such small things. 不要為這麼小的事困惑。
- His opponents were still obsessed by his seeming invulnerability. 他的對手還仍然對他表面上的堅不可摧感到棘手。
- The Hillton Hotel where the Madrid team stayed was surrounded by football fans. 皇家馬德里隊下塌的希爾頓飯店被球迷圍得水泄不通。
- Never can I do in peace That with which my Soul\'s obsessed, Never take things at my ease; I must press on without rest. 此也一是非,彼也一是非。如是觀,世界變得無意義,個人卻能在後現代的「一切不能當真」下活得很快樂!
- What a sad existence for those obsessed by such an urge to push forward! 那種無形又跟自己形影不離的壓迫感,可怕可怕。
- Such a mind is untamed and untrained, obsessed by its own vanity and obstinacy. 這樣的一顆心是未經調伏、訓練的,受著虛榮和固執的困擾。
- By the 1900s, Bell was obsessed by the challenge of flight and speed. 到了1900年代,貝爾醉心於飛行及速度的挑戰。
- A head covering of hard material, such as leather, metal, or plastic, worn by football players, firefighters, construction workers, motorcyclists, and others to protect the head. 頭盔由堅硬材料如皮革、金屬或塑料製成的頭部覆蓋物,由橄欖球隊員、消防隊員、建築工人、摩托車騎手或其他人配戴,用以保護頭部
- Mr. Smith was reading a book when suddenly the window was shattered by football. 史密斯先生正在看書,突然,他家的玻璃窗被一隻足球砸碎。
- The overwhelming majority, including those who were obsessed by factionalism, were redeemable. 絕大多數人,包括被派性迷了心竅的人,都可以挽救過來。
- He got done over by a gang of roughs after a football match. 在一場足球賽之後,他被一群暴徒毒打了一頓。